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Piers Bedford reviews some ingenious tools to make lighting and camerawork a lot easier

机译:皮尔斯·贝德福德(Piers Bedford)评论了一些巧妙的工具,可以使照明和摄影工作变得更加轻松

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We would often like to switch a light on or off remotely when checking a lighting set-up from the camera position or save crawling around a delicate set to save a lamp. This is all possible now with the Condor Electrigger. The tiny remote radio transmitter has four buttons to control the single- or double-channel receiver which connects between the light and the mains supply. One remote can control up to four channels of switching through selectable microswitches on the receiver. The receiver, similar in looks and size to a mains block, can handle 1,500 watts in the single or 2 × 1,200 watts in the double version. A range of 100 metres is claimed, making it useful, even in a large area, for controlling lights, fans, smoke machines or any other electrical appliances - even the kettle. The single kit sells for £160 and the twin versions for £240.
机译:从摄像机位置检查照明设置时,我们经常想远程打开或关闭照明,或者在微妙的设置周围爬行以节省灯。现在,借助Condor Electrigger,这一切都是可能的。微型远程无线电发射器具有四个按钮,用于控制连接在光源和电源之间的单通道或双通道接收器。一个遥控器可以通过接收器上的可选微动开关控制多达四个切换通道。接收器的外观和大小与电源块相似,单通道可处理1,500瓦,双通道可处理2×1200瓦。声称具有100米的射程,即使在大范围内,也可用于控制灯,风扇,烟机或任何其他电器-甚至水壶。单套件售价160英镑,双套件售价240英镑。



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