
NMR solution structure of the human prion protein


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The NMR structures of the recombinant human prion protein, hPrP(23-230), and two C-terminal fragments, hPrP(90--230) and hPrP(121--230), include a globular domain extending from residues 125-228, for which a detailed structure was obtained, and an N-terminal flexibly disordered "tail." The globular domain contains three αr-helices comprising the residues 144-154. 173--194, and 200--228 and a short anti-parallel β-sheet comprising the residues 128--131 and 161--164. Within the globular domain, three polypep- tide segments show increased structural disorder: i.e., a loop of residues 167-171, the residues 187--194 at the end of helix 2, and the residues 219--228 in the C-terminal part of helix 3. The local conformational state of the polypeptide segments 187--193 in helix 2 and 219--226 in helix 3 is measurably influenced by the length of the N-terminal tail with the helical states being most highly populated in hPrP(23-230). When compared with the previously reported structures of the murine and Syrian hamster prion pro- teins, the length of helix 3 coincides more closely with that in the Syrian hamster protein whereas the disordered loop 167--171 is shared with murine PrP. These species variations of local structure are in a surface area of the cellular form of PrP that has previously been implicated in intermolecular interactions related both to the species barrier for infectious transmission of prion disease and to immune reactions.
机译:重组人病毒蛋白hPrP(23-230)和两个C端片段hPrP(90--230)和hPrP(121--230)的NMR结构包括从残基125-228延伸的球形结构域,获得了详细的结构,以及一个N端柔性无序“尾巴”。球形结构域包含三个包含残基144-154的αr螺旋。 173--194和200--228以及包含残基128--131和161--164的短反平行β-折叠。在球状结构域中,三个多肽片段显示出增加的结构紊乱:即残基167-171的环,螺旋2末端的残基187--194和C端的残基219--228螺旋2的多肽片段187--193和螺旋3的219--226的多肽片段的局部构象状态受N末端尾巴长度的影响,而螺旋状态在hPrP中居高不下(23-230)。与先前报道的鼠类和叙利亚仓鼠病毒蛋白的结构进行比较时,螺旋3的长度与叙利亚仓鼠蛋白中的螺旋线更为接近,而无序环167--171与鼠PrP共有。这些局部结构的物种变异存在于PrP的细胞形式的表面区域中,该区域先前已参与了与for病毒疾病的传染传播的物种屏障和免疫反应有关的分子间相互作用。



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