首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Redundant control of the Caenorhabditis elegans sperm/oocyte switch by PUF-8 and FBF-1, two distinct PUF RNA-binding proteins.

Redundant control of the Caenorhabditis elegans sperm/oocyte switch by PUF-8 and FBF-1, two distinct PUF RNA-binding proteins.

机译:通过两种不同的PUF RNA结合蛋白PUF-8和FBF-1对秀丽隐杆线虫的精子/卵母细胞开关进行冗余控制。

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PUF proteins control both growth and differentiation in the C. elegans germ line. These conserved RNA-binding proteins inhibit expression of target mRNAs, either by repressing translation or promoting degradation. Previous studies showed that PUF-8, a PUF protein with striking similarity to human Pumilio, prevents return of primary spermatocytes to the mitotic cell cycle [Subramaniam, K. & Seydoux, G. (2003) Curr. Biol. 13, 134-139]. We now report that PUF-8 is also critical for the hermaphrodite sperm/oocyte switch. Most puf-8 mutant hermaphrodites make both sperm and oocytes and are self-fertile, but some make a vast excess of sperm and fail to switch into oogenesis. This puf-8 defect is dramatically enhanced by removal of another puf gene called fbf-1: all fbf-1 puf-8 double mutants fail in the hermaphrodite sperm/oocyte switch. Therefore, puf-8 and fbf-1 act redundantly to control this decision. Epistasis analyses place puf-8 and fbf-1 upstream of fog-2, a gene near the top of the germ-line sex determination pathway. Furthermore, the abundance of FOG-2 increases dramatically in the distal region of fbf-1 puf-8 double mutants. We suggest that PUF-8 and FBF-1 may control fog-2 expression, and that the sperm/oocyte decision occurs in the distal germ line.
机译:PUF蛋白控制线虫种系的生长和分化。这些保守的RNA结合蛋白通过抑制翻译或促进降解来抑制靶mRNA的表达。先前的研究表明,PUF-8,一种与人Pumilio具有惊人相似性的PUF蛋白,可以阻止原代精子细胞返回到有丝分裂细胞周期中[Subramaniam,K.&Seydoux,G.(2003)Curr。Acad。Sci.USA。生物学13,134-139]。现在我们报告PUF-8对雌雄同体的精子/卵母细胞转换也很重要。大多数puf-8突变的雌雄同体既能产生精子又能产生卵母细胞,并且具有自育能力,但有些会产生大量的精子而无法转变为卵子发生。通过去除另一个称为fbf-1的puf基因,可大大增强该puf-8缺陷:所有fbf-1 puf-8双突变体均在雌雄同体的精子/卵母细胞转换中失败。因此,puf-8和fbf-1会多余地控制该决定。上位性分析将puf-8和fbf-1放在fog-2上游,后者是种系性别决定途径顶部附近的一个基因。此外,在fbf-1 puf-8双突变体的远端区域,FOG-2的丰度急剧增加。我们建议,PUF-8和FBF-1可能控制fog-2的表达,并且精子/卵母细胞的决定发生在远端生殖系中。



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