首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >NMDA receptors promote survival in somatosensory relay nuclei by inhibiting Bax-dependent developmental cell death

NMDA receptors promote survival in somatosensory relay nuclei by inhibiting Bax-dependent developmental cell death


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Naturally occurring cell death is a universal feature of developing nervous systems that plays an essential role in determining adult brain function. Yet little is known about the decisions that select a subset of CNS neurons for survival and cause others to die. We report that postnatal day 0 NMDA receptor subunit 1 (NMDAR1) knockout mice display an approximate to 2-fold increase in cell death in the brainstem trigeminal complex (BSTC), including all four nuclei that receive somatosensory inputs from the face (principalis, oralis, interpolaris, and caudalis). Treatment with the NMDA receptor antagonist dizocilpine maleate (MK-801) for 24 h before birth also caused an increase in cell death that reached statistical significance in two of the four nuclei (oralis and interpolaris). The neonatal sensitivity to NMDA receptor hypofunction in the BSTC, and in its main thalamic target, the ventrobasal nucleus (VB), coincides with the peak of naturally occurring cell death and trigeminothalamic synaptogenesis. At embryonic day 17.5, before the onset of these events, NMDAR1 knockout does not affect cell survival in either the BSTC or the VB. Immunostaining for active caspase-3 and the neuronal marker Hu specifically confirms the presence of dying neurons in the BSTC and the VB of NMDAR1 knockout neonates. Finally, genetic deletion of Bax rescues these structures from the requirement for NMDA receptors to limit naturally occurring cell death. Taken together, the results indicate that NMDA receptors play a survival role for somatosensory relay neurons during synaptogenesis by inhibiting Bax-dependent developmental cell death.
机译:自然发生的细胞死亡是发育中的神经系统的普遍特征,在决定成人大脑功能中起着至关重要的作用。关于为生存选择中枢神经系统神经元子集并导致其他人死亡的决定知之甚少。我们报告说,出生后第0天NMDA受体亚基1(NMDAR1)敲除小鼠显示出在脑干三叉神经复合体(BSTC)中的细胞死亡增加了约2倍,包括从面部接收到的体感输入的所有四个核(主要,口头) ,极间和尾状)。出生前用NMDA受体拮抗剂马来酸二唑西平(MK-801)治疗24小时也引起细胞死亡的增加,在四个核中的两个核中(口腔和极间)达到了统计显着性。新生儿对BSTC及其主要丘脑靶丘腹基核(VB)对NMDA受体功能低下的敏感性与自然发生的细胞死亡和三叉丘脑突触形成的高峰相吻合。在这些事件发生之前的胚胎第17.5天,NMDAR1敲除并不影响BSTC或VB中的细胞存活。活性caspase-3和神经元标记物Hu的免疫染色特别证实了BSTC和NMDAR1基因敲除新生儿的VB中垂死的神经元的存在。最后,Bax的基因删除从NMDA受体的需求中拯救了这些结构,以限制自然发生的细胞死亡。两者合计,结果表明,NMDA受体通过抑制Bax依赖性发育细胞死亡,在突触形成过程中为体感中继神经元发挥生存作用。



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