首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Measurement of the mechanical properties of isolated tectorial membrane using atomic force microscopy

Measurement of the mechanical properties of isolated tectorial membrane using atomic force microscopy


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The tectorial membrane (TM) is an extracellular matrix situated over the sensory cells of the cochlea. Its strategic location, together with the results of recent TM-specific mutation studies, suggests that it has an important role in the mechanism by which the cochlea transduces mechanical energy into neural excitation. A detailed characterization of TM mechanical properties is fundamental to understanding its role in cochlear mechanics. In this work, the mechanical properties of the TM are characterized in the radial and longitudinal directions using nano- and microindentation experiments conducted by using atomic force spectroscopy. We find that the stiffness in the main body region and in the spiral limbus attachment zone does not change significantly along the length of the cochlea. The main body of the TM is the softest region, whereas the spiral limbus attachment zone is stiffer, with the two areas having averaged Young's modulus values of 37 ± 3 and 135 ± 14 kPa, respectively. By contrast, we find that the stiffness of the TM in the region above the outer hair cells (OHCs) increases by one order of magnitude in the longitudinal direction, from 24 ± 4 kPa in the apical region to 210 ± 15 kPa at the basilar end of the TM. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows differences in the collagen fiber arrangements in the OHC zone of the TM that correspond to the observed variations in mechanical properties. The longitudinal increase in TM stiffness is similar to that found for the OHC stereocilia, which supports the existence of mechanical coupling between these two structures.
机译:盖膜(TM)是位于耳蜗感觉细胞上方的细胞外基质。它的战略位置以及最近的TM特异性突变研究的结果表明,它在耳蜗将机械能转化为神经兴奋的机制中具有重要作用。 TM机械性能的详细表征对于理解其在耳蜗力学中的作用至关重要。在这项工作中,通过使用原子力光谱法进行的纳米压痕和微压痕实验,在径向和纵向上对TM的机械性能进行了表征。我们发现,在主体区域和螺旋角膜缘附着区的硬度沿耳蜗的长度没有明显变化。 TM的主体是最柔软的区域,而螺旋角膜缘附着区则较硬,这两个区域的平均杨氏模量分别为37±3和135±14 kPa。相比之下,我们发现外毛细胞(OHCs)上方区域中TM的硬度在纵向上增加了一个数量级,从顶部区域的24±4 kPa到基底的210±15 kPa TM的结尾。扫描电子显微镜分析显示TM的OHC区胶原纤维排列的差异与观察到的机械性能变化相对应。 TM刚度的纵向增加类似于OHC立体纤毛的纵向增加,这支持了这两个结构之间的机械耦合。



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