首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Nitric oxide inhibition of respiration involves both competitive (heme) and noncompetitive (copper) binding to cytochrome c oxidase

Nitric oxide inhibition of respiration involves both competitive (heme) and noncompetitive (copper) binding to cytochrome c oxidase


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NO reversibly inhibits mitochondrial respiration via binding to cytochrome c oxidase (CCO). This inhibition has been proposed to be a physiological control mechanism and/or to contribute to pathophysiology. Oxygen reacts with CCO at a heme iron:copper binuclear center (a_3/Cu_B). Reports have variously suggested that during inhibition NO can interact with the binuclear center containing zero (fully oxidized), one (singly reduced), and two (fully reduced) additional electrons. It has also been suggested that two NO molecules can interact with the enzyme simultaneously. We used steady-state and kinetic modeling techniques to reevaluate NO inhibition of CCO. At high flux and low oxygen tensions NO interacts predominantly with the fully reduced (ferrous/cuprous) center in competition with oxygen. However, as the oxygen tension is raised (or the consumption rate is decreased) the reaction with the oxidized enzyme becomes increasingly important. There is no requirement for NO to bind to the singly reduced binuclear center. NO interacts with either ferrous heme iron or oxidized copper, but not both simultaneously. The affinity (K_D) of NO for the oxygen-binding ferrous heme site is 0.2 nM. The noncompetitive interaction with oxidized copper results in oxidation of NO to nitrite and behaves kinetically as if it had an apparent affinity of 28 nM; at low levels of NO, significant binding to copper can occur without appreciable enzyme inhibition. The combination of competitive (heme) and noncompetitive (copper) modes of binding enables NO to interact with mitochondria across the full in vivo dynamic range of oxygen tension and consumption rates.
机译:NO通过与细胞色素C氧化酶(CCO)结合可逆地抑制线粒体呼吸。已经提出这种抑制作用是生理控制机制和/或有助于病理生理。氧在血红素铁:铜双核中心(a_3 / Cu_B)处与CCO反应。各种报道表明,在抑制过程中,NO可以与双核中心相互作用,该中心包含零个(完全被氧化),一个(单个被还原)和两个(完全被还原)电子。还已经提出,两个NO分子可以同时与酶相互作用。我们使用稳态和动力学建模技术来重新评估CCO的NO抑制作用。在高通量和低氧张力下,NO在与氧竞争的过程中主要与完全还原的(亚铁/亚铜)中心发生相互作用。然而,随着氧张力升高(或消耗速率降低),与氧化酶的反应变得越来越重要。不需要NO结合到单个还原的双核中心。 NO与亚铁血红素铁或氧化铜相互作用,但不会同时相互作用。 NO对与氧结合的亚铁血红素位点的亲和力(K_D)为0.2 nM。与氧化铜的非竞争性相互作用会导致NO氧化为亚硝酸盐,并在动力学上表现出似乎具有28 nM的表观亲和力。在低水平的NO下,与铜的显着结合会发生,而没有明显的酶抑制作用。竞争性(血红素)和非竞争性(铜)结合模式的结合使NO可以在整个体内氧气张力和消耗速率的动态范围内与线粒体相互作用。



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