首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Lung development and repair: Contribution of the ciliated lineage

Lung development and repair: Contribution of the ciliated lineage


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The identity of the endogenous epithelial cells in the adult lung that are responsible for normal turnover and repair after injury is still controversial. In part, this is due to a paucity of highly specific genetic lineage tools to follow efficiently the fate of the major epithelial cell populations: the basal, secretory, ciliated, neuroen-docrine, and alveolar cells. As part of a program to address this problem we have used a 1-kb FOXJ1 promoter to drive CreER in the ciliated cells of the embryonic and adult lung. Analysis of FOXJ1-GFP transgenic lungs shows that labeled cells appear in a proximal-distal pattern during embryogenesis and that the promoter drives expression in all ciliated cells. Using FOXJ1CreER adult mice, we have followed the fate of ciliated cells after epithelial injury by naphthalene or sulfur dioxide. From quantitative analysis and confocal microscopy we conclude that ciliated cells transiently change their morphology in response to lung injury but do not proliferate or transdifferentiate as part of the repair process.
机译:成年肺中负责损伤发生后的正常周转和修复的内源性上皮细胞的身份仍然存在争议。在某种程度上,这是由于缺乏高度特异性的遗传谱系工具,无法有效地追踪主要上皮细胞群的命运:基底上皮细胞,分泌细胞,纤毛细胞,神经元细胞和肺泡细胞。作为解决此问题的计划的一部分,我们使用了1kb FOXJ1启动子来驱动胚胎和成年肺纤毛细胞中的CreER。对FOXJ1-GFP转基因肺的分析表明,标记的细胞在胚胎发生过程中以近端-远端模式出现,并且启动子驱动所有纤毛细胞中的表达。使用FOXJ1CreER成年小鼠,我们追踪了萘或二氧化硫上皮损伤后纤毛细胞的命运。通过定量分析和共聚焦显微镜,我们得出结论:纤毛细胞可响应肺损伤而瞬时改变其形态,但在修复过程中不会增殖或转分化。



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