首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Dual inactivation of Hus1 and p53 in the mouse mammary gland results in accumulation of damaged cells and impaired tissue regeneration

Dual inactivation of Hus1 and p53 in the mouse mammary gland results in accumulation of damaged cells and impaired tissue regeneration


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In response to DNA damage, checkpoint proteins halt cell cycle progression and promote repair or apoptosis, thereby preventing mutation accumulation and suppressing tumor development. The DNA damage checkpoint protein Hus1 associates with Rad9 and Rad1 to form the 9-1-1 complex, which localizes to DNA lesions and promotes DNA damage signaling and repair. Because complete inactivation of mouse Hus1 results in embryonic lethality, we developed a system for regulated Hus1 inactivation in the mammary gland to examine roles for Hus1 in tissue homeostasis and tumor suppression. Hus1 inactivation in the mammary epithelium resulted in genome damage that induced apoptosis and led to depletion of Hus1-null cells from the mammary gland. Conditional Hus1 knockout females retained grossly normal mammary gland morphology, suggesting compensation by cells that failed to undergo Cre-mediated Hus1 deletion. p53-deficiency delayed the clearance of Hus1-null cells from conditional Hus1 knockout mice and caused the accumulation of damaged, dying cells in the mammary gland. Notably, compensatory responses were impaired following combined Hus1 and p53 loss, resulting in aberrant mammary gland morphology and lactation defects. Overall, these results establish a requirement for Hus1 in the survival and proliferation of mammary epithelium and identify a role for p53 in mammary gland tissue regeneration and homeostasis.
机译:作为对DNA损伤的响应,检查点蛋白可阻止细胞周期进程并促进修复或凋亡,从而防止突变积累并抑制肿瘤发展。 DNA损伤检查点蛋白Hus1与Rad9和Rad1结合形成9-1-1复合物,该复合物位于DNA损伤处并促进DNA损伤的信号传导和修复。因为小鼠Hus1的完全失活会导致胚胎致死,所以我们开发了一种在乳腺中调节Hus1失活的系统,以检查Hus1在组织稳态和肿瘤抑制中的作用。乳腺上皮中的Hus1失活导致基因组损伤,从而诱导细胞凋亡并导致乳腺中Hus1无效细胞的消耗。有条件的Hus1基因敲除雌性保持大致正常的乳腺形态,这表明细胞未能进行Cre介导的Hus1缺失而得到了补偿。 p53缺陷延迟了条件性Hus1基因敲除小鼠对Hus1无效细胞的清除,导致受损的,垂死的细胞在乳腺中积累。值得注意的是,Hus1和p53联合缺失后代偿反应受损,导致异常的乳腺形态和泌乳缺陷。总体而言,这些结果确立了Hus1在乳腺上皮的生存和增殖中的需求,并确定了p53在乳腺组织再生和体内平衡中的作用。



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