首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Repeated loss of coloniality and symbiosis in scleractinian corals

Repeated loss of coloniality and symbiosis in scleractinian corals


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The combination of coloniality and symbiosis in Scleractinia is thought to confer competitive advantage over other benthic invertebrates, and it is likely the key factor for the dominance of corals in tropical reefs. However, the extant Scleractinia are evenly split between zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate species. Most azooxanthellate species are solitary and nearly absent from reefs, but have much wider geographic and bathymetric distributions than reef corals. Molecular phylogenetic analyses have repeatedly recovered clades formed by colonial/zooxanthellate and solitary/azooxanthellate taxa, suggesting that coloniality and symbiosis were repeatedly acquired and/or lost throughout the history of the Scleractinia. Using Bayesian ancestral state reconstruction, we found that symbiosis was lost at least three times and coloniality lost at least six times, and at least two instances in which both characters were lost. All of the azooxanthellate lineages originated from ancestors that were reconstructed as symbiotic, corroborating the onshore-offshore diversification trend recorded in marine taxa. Symbiotic sister taxa of two of these descendant lineages are extant in Caribbean reefs but disappeared from the Mediterranean before the end of the Miocene, whereas extant azooxanthellate lineages have trans-Atlantic distributions. Thus, the phy-letic link between reef and nonreef communities may have played an important role in the dynamics of extinction and recovery that marks the evolutionary history of scleractinians, and some reef lineages may have escaped local extinction by diversifying into offshore environments. However, this macroevolutionary mechanism offers no hope of mitigating the effects of climate change on coral reefs in the next century.
机译:人们认为,菌核菌群的共生和共生相结合可赋予其相对于其他底栖无脊椎动物的竞争优势,这很可能是热带珊瑚礁中珊瑚优势的关键因素。然而,现存的巩膜藻在虫黄藻和偶氮黄藻中被平均分配。大多数的偶氮黄腐菌属物种是单生的,几乎没有珊瑚礁,但与珊瑚礁相比,地理和测深分布更广泛。分子系统发育分析已经反复地发现了由殖民地/ zooxanthellate和单身/ azooxanthellate分类群形成的进化枝,这表明菌落和共生在整个菌核病史中被反复获得和/或消失。使用贝叶斯祖先状态重建,我们发现共生关系至少丧失了3次,殖民地丧失了至少6次,并且至少有两次都失去了两个角色。所有的偶氮杂蒽盐类谱系都起源于被重建为共生的祖先,从而证实了海洋生物分类中记录的陆上-近海多样化趋势。其中两个后裔谱系的共生姐妹类群在加勒比礁中现存,但在中新世末期之前从地中海消失,而现存的偶氮黄蝶形谱系具有跨大西洋的分布。因此,珊瑚礁和非珊瑚礁群落之间的亲缘关系可能在灭绝和恢复的动力学过程中发挥了重要作用,这标志着Scleractinians的进化史,并且一些珊瑚礁世系可能通过向近海环境的多样化而逃脱了局部灭绝。但是,这种宏观进化机制没有希望在下个世纪减轻气候变化对珊瑚礁的影响。



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