首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >An implicit body representation underlying human position sense

An implicit body representation underlying human position sense


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Knowing the body's location in external space is a fundamental perceptual task. Perceiving the location of body parts through pro-prioception requires that information about the angles of each joint (i.e., body posture) be combined with information about the size and shape of the body segments between joints. Although information about body posture is specified by on-line afferent signals, no sensory signals are directly informative about body size and shape. Thus, human position sense must refer to a stored body model of the body's metric properties, such as body part size and shape. The need for such a model has long been recognized; however, the properties of this model have never been systematically investigated. We developed a technique to isolate and measure this body model. Participants judged the location in external space of 10 landmarks on the hand. By analyzing the internal configuration of the locations of these points, we produced implicit maps of the mental representation of hand size and shape. We show that this part of the body model is massively distorted, in a reliable and characteristic fashion, featuring shortened fingers and broadened hands. Intriguingly, these distortions appear to retain several characteristics of primary somatosensory representations, such as the Penfield homunculus.
机译:了解人体在外部空间中的位置是一项基本的感知任务。通过原知觉来感知身体部位的位置需要将关于每个关节的角度的信息(即,身体姿势)与关于关节之间的身体段的大小和形状的信息相结合。尽管有关身体姿势的信息是通过在线传入信号指定的,但没有任何感觉信号直接说明身体的大小和形状。因此,人体位置感必须引用存储的人体度量标准属性的人体模型,例如人体部位的大小和形状。早就认识到需要这种模型。但是,该模型的性质尚未得到系统的研究。我们开发了一种隔离和测量此人体模型的技术。参与者判断手上的10个地标在外部空间中的位置。通过分析这些点的位置的内部配置,我们生成了手的大小和形状的心理表示的隐式映射。我们显示,人体模型的这一部分以可靠且特征性的方式发生了巨大的变形,其手指变短且手变宽。有趣的是,这些失真似乎保留了主要的体感表征的一些特征,例如Penfield homunculus。



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