首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Cyanobacterial conversion of carbon dioxide to 2,3-butanediol

Cyanobacterial conversion of carbon dioxide to 2,3-butanediol


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Conversion of CO_2 for the synthesis of chemicals by photosynthetic organisms is an attractive target for establishing independence from fossil reserves. However, synthetic pathway construction in cyanobacteria is still in its infancy compared with model fermentative organisms. Here we systematically developed the 2,3-butanediol (23BD) biosynthetic pathway in Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 as a model system to establish design methods for efficient exogenous chemical production in cyanobacteria. We identified 23BD as a target chemical with low host toxicity, and designed an oxygen-insensitive, cofactor-matched biosynthetic pathway coupled with irreversible enzymatic steps to create a driving force toward the target. Production of 23BD from CO_2 reached 2.38 g/L, which is a significant increase for chemical production from exogenous pathways in cyanobacteria. This work demonstrates that developing strong design methods can continue to increase chemical production in cyanobacteria.
机译:CO_2转化为光合生物合成化学物质是建立独立于化石储量的一个有吸引力的目标。然而,与模型发酵生物相比,蓝细菌中的合成途径构建仍处于起步阶段。在这里,我们系统地开发了细长突触球菌PCC7942中的2,3-丁二醇(23BD)生物合成途径,作为模型系统,为蓝藻中有效的外源化学生产建立了设计方法。我们将23BD鉴定为具有低宿主毒性的目标化学品,并设计了一种对氧气不敏感,辅因子匹配的生物合成途径以及不可逆的酶促步骤,以产生朝向目标的驱动力。 CO_2产生的23BD产量达到2.38 g / L,这是蓝细菌外源途径化学生产的显着增加。这项工作表明,开发强大的设计方法可以继续增加蓝细菌的化学产量。



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