首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers >Thermal residual stresses in in-plane functionally graded clamped hollow circular plates subjected to an edge heat flux

Thermal residual stresses in in-plane functionally graded clamped hollow circular plates subjected to an edge heat flux


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This study carries out the thermal residual stress analyses of functionally graded clamped hollow circular plates for in-plane constant inner and outer edge heat fluxes. The material properties of the functionally graded plates were assumed to vary with a power law along an in-plane direction not through the plate thickness direction. The transient heat conduction and Navier equations describing the two-dimensional thermoelastic problem were discretized using finite difference method, and the set of linear equations were solved using the pseudo singular value method. In order to determine the effect of the plate material properties on the thermal deformation and stress states the circular plates were designed in the way that their material compositions can vary from a pure ceramic (C) outer edge to a pure metal (M) inner edge and vice versa, such as ceramic-to-metal or metal-to-ceramic circular plates. The compositional gradient and direction affected considerably both in-plane temperature levels and heat transfer period whereas similar temperature distributions existed. The displacement components exhibited similar symmetrical distributions and were at lower levels in the metal-rich compositions. The normal strain components had similar distributions to those of the displacement components and were critical around both the inner and outer edges. A metal-rich composition resulted in lower normal strain levels. The equivalent strain distributions were always critical around the heat flux edge and became highest for a ceramic-rich composition. The normal stress components and equivalent stresses were critical in the ceramic-rich regions and the equivalent stress exhibited a sudden increase near the pure ceramic-edge subjected to the heat flux. The lower stress levels were also observed for a metal-rich composition variation. The ceramic material, a good thermal insulator, makes a metal-to-ceramic and a ceramic-to-metal material system suitable for outer and inner edge heat fluxes, respectively in practice. The metal-rich material compositions (with n=0.1 and 10.0) can prevent the local cracks in the ceramic-rich regions induced by high heat gradients.
机译:这项研究针对面内恒定的内外边缘热通量,对功能梯度夹紧的空心圆板进行了热残余应力分析。假定功能梯度板的材料性质沿幂律沿着面内方向而不是通过板厚度方向变化。使用有限差分法离散描述二维热弹性问题的瞬态热传导方程和Navier方程,并使用拟奇异值方法求解线性方程组。为了确定板材料性能对热变形和应力状态的影响,圆形板的设计方式应使其材料成分从纯陶瓷(C)外边缘到纯金属(M)内边缘变化反之亦然,例如陶瓷到金属或金属到陶瓷的圆形板。成分梯度和方向对面内温度水平和传热周期都有很大影响,而存在相似的温度分布。位移成分表现出相似的对称分布,并且在富金属组合物中含量较低。法向应变分量与位移分量具有相似的分布,并且在内边缘和外边缘都非常关键。富含金属的成分导致较低的正常应变水平。等效应变分布始终在热通量边缘附近至关重要,对于富含陶瓷的组合物而言,等效应变分布最高。在富含陶瓷的区域中,正应力分量和等效应力至关重要,并且在受热通量作用的纯陶瓷边缘附近,等效应力表现出突然的增加。对于富含金属的成分变化,也观察到较低的应力水平。陶瓷材料是一种很好的绝热材料,实际上使金属-陶瓷和陶瓷-金属材料系统分别适合于外部和内部边缘热通量。富含金属的材料成分(n = 0.1和10.0)可以防止高热梯度在富含陶瓷的区域产生局部裂纹。



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