首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering >The effect of a low ambient temperature on the cold-start emissions and fuel consumption of passenger cars

The effect of a low ambient temperature on the cold-start emissions and fuel consumption of passenger cars


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This paper examines the cold-start-up events of spark and compression ignition engines in the context of transient operation and emissions control. When the temperatures of the oil, coolant and engine block are equal or close to the ambient temperature, start-up can be difficult to achieve without significant excess levels of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. In general, the lower the ambient temperature, the more significant these problems are. The physical processes responsible for this phenomenon are briefly discussed. Excess emission factors from a pool of Euro 4 and Euro 5 petrol vehicles and three Euro 5 diesel vehicles are presented, as tested over the Urban Drive Cycle at 24 °C and at −7 °C. A full modal emissions analysis was also conducted at 24 °C and at −7 °C on one petrol vehicle and one diesel vehicle over the New European Drive Cycle. The most problematic emissions are identified for both engine types, and recommendations are made to legislators regarding cold-start emissions.



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