首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers >Briefing: A military perspective on renewable energy developments

Briefing: A military perspective on renewable energy developments


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This paper illustrates how the UK's Ministry of Defence safeguards its assets from potential threats and physical obstruction. The Ministry of Defence has introduced safeguarding processes in an attempt to encourage local planning authorities, directing authorities and developers to consult the department about development proposals at the pre-application and planning stage and in the development of policies and guidance. With processes in place, the Ministry of Defence can carry out in-depth technical assessments to determine whether proposed developments will impact upon military operations. Defence and wind energy have long been conflicting priorities for the government, owing to the detrimental effects wind turbines can have on the performance of Ministry of Defence radars. This department, in parallel with the wind industry, has developed a greater understanding of wind energy and is committed to meeting the government's renewable energy targets of 20% from renewable sources by 2020. The department remains at the forefront of studying and understanding the effects of wind turbines on military operations in the UK and is also a signatory to the 'Memorandum of Understanding' with the wind farm industry and the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Signed in June 2008, this document commits the signatory organisations to work together to identify solutions to mitigate the impacts of wind turbine developments on aviation interests.



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