
Cutting the cost of engineering education


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Universities could subsidise expensive engineering degree courses by charging more for courses that are less expensive and highly oversubscribed, says David Howard of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). The much anticipated publication earlier this year of the UK Government's White Paper on the future of higher education was met with a mixed reaction within the engineering professions. Whereas the document contains a number of proposals that are welcome, there is concern that the consequences of some of the proposals have not been fully considered and that other proposals do not go far enough. Low salaries for academic staff is an important issue and the White Paper rightly acknowledges this by proposing additional funding to reward teaching excellence. But will the additional funding be sufficient to address this very serious problem? The Higher Education Funding Council for England's annual survey on recruitment and retention shows that difficulties in recruiting university staff tend to be concentrated in certain subjects such as computing, engineering and science. The reason is that job opportunities and financial rewards in industry are considerably greater than those available in acade-mia. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of the best students are tempted away from the academic path due to financial considerations.This has resulted in a decline in the supply of PhD students and consequently young researchers leading, in turn, to a shortage of career grade academic staff. Significant increases in lecturer salaries are required if this trend is to be reversed.
机译:电气工程师学会(IEE)的戴维·霍华德(David Howard)表示,大学可以通过对价格较低且预订过多的课程收取更多费用,从而对昂贵的工程学位课程进行补贴。今年早些时候,备受期待的英国政府白皮书《关于高等教育的未来》在工程界引起了不同的反响。尽管该文件包含了许多值得欢迎的提案,但令人关注的是,其中一些提案的后果尚未得到充分考虑,而其他提案还远远不够。学术人员的低薪水是一个重要问题,白皮书通过提议额外的资金来奖励卓越的教学,正确地承认了这一点。但是,额外的资金是否足以解决这个非常严重的问题?英格兰高等教育资助委员会关于招聘和保留的年度调查显示,招聘大学职员的困难往往集中在某些学科,例如计算机,工程和科学。原因是工业中的工作机会和经济回报要比学术机构中的要大得多。由于经济上的考虑,许多优秀的学生被引诱离开学术道路,这一事实加剧了这一问题,这导致博士生的供应减少,因此年轻的研究人员反过来导致了博士生的短缺。职业级学术人员。如果要扭转这种趋势,就需要大幅度提高讲师的工资。



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