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Spectator comfort in grandstands - an alternative approach


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With increasing pressure on designers to deliver elegant, efficient solutions it is more important than ever that design guidance is tailored to the needs of the user. Current UK guidance for the Dynamic Performance Requirements for Permanent Grandstands Subject to Crowd Action, issued by the Institution of Structural Engineers in 2008, provides two methods for designing stadia for spectator comfort. The first is a broad-brush frequency limit approach, which aims to minimise large vibrations by avoiding resonance. The second method uses detailed analysis to calculate the likely accelerations that spectators will experience at various types of event. These accelerations are then compared against the serviceability criteria provided. Although much research has been carried out on how best to predict the accelerations generated by synchronised crowd loading, the corresponding serviceability criteria are based on limited published research. This paper uses stadia-specific human perception data, collected experimentally at the University of Bath, to challenge the currently published Institution of Structural Engineers guidance from 2008. It also proposes a new approach to specifying human comfort thresholds in permanent grandstands which allows greater user flexibility and choice.
机译:随着设计师提供优雅,高效的解决方案的压力越来越大,根据用户需求量身定制设计指南比以往任何时候都更为重要。结构工程师协会(Institute of Structural Engineers)在2008年发布的英国现行《关于永久性看台的动态性能要求的指南》(由结构工程师协会发布)提供了两种设计体育场舒适度的方法。第一种是宽带频率限制方法,旨在通过避免共振来最大程度地减小大振动。第二种方法使用详细分析来计算观众在各种类型的事件中可能经历的加速度。然后将这些加速度与提供的可维修性标准进行比较。尽管已就如何最好地预测人群同步负载产生的加速度进行了大量研究,但相应的适用性标准是基于有限的公开研究。本文使用在巴斯大学通过实验收集的体育场特定的人类感知数据来挑战当前发布的2008年结构工程师学会指南。它还提出了一种在永久看台上指定人类舒适度阈值的新方法,该方法可提供更大的用户灵活性和选择。



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