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Setup, Procedures, and Patterns for CAF and ECM testing


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Dendrites, filaments, and migration: They sound like evil characters from the Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, they do exist - in and on electronics products. And, as in the movie, as their presence grows, good parts fail. Engineers who hunt for these problems are often called wizards -among other things - and they gather in groups - IPC committee meetings - to decide the best course of action for rooting out these evils. Kidding aside, long-term reliability of electronics can be severely affected by these evils and the testing for their potential to exist is becoming widespread. As spacing and part sizes on PCBs decrease, requirements for conductive anodic filament (CAF) and electrochemical migration resistance (ECM) testing are becoming important. Unfortunately, procedures can be more magic than science: Current test methods do not fully describe the care necessary - and associated pitfalls - for testing for the presence of these evildoers. The methodology for these forms of electrochemical migration differ in both the test samples used for, and environmental conditions associated with, the testing: CAF test samples are geared to specifically look for failures that occur within the material, while dendrite detecting test samples identify failures that occur on the surface of the material.



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