
Profitable Planning


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I must admit that this is not my favorite time of year! The shorter days signal longer hours as I start my planning process for the upcoming year, and I am rudely reminded of how few resources I appear to have compared to how much I actually need in order to achieve my goals.rnWe are all in an industry that is financially demanding. Tight operating margins are often at odds with the capital intensive environment of rapid tech-rnnology evolution. The financial demands include not only new capital investments, but also the commitment to training and developing good people. Whether it's time, talent or treasure, committing resources can only be successfully done if you balance the desired results with the resources that are available to commit.rnYou could always do nothing. A few years ago, I was talking with a colleague who said he does not have a planning process and in fact does not plan. Instead, he buys and hires as needed. Such action - or inaction - is indeed following a plan; . it's just not your plan. Instead you are simply reacting to whatever someone else throws at you, which often ends up being the most costly plan of all.
机译:我必须承认,这不是我一年中最喜欢的时间!短短的日子意味着我开始为来年的计划工作时会花费更长的时间,并且我很无礼地提醒我,与实现目标所需的实际资源相比,我似乎拥有的资源很少。rn这在财务上要求很高。严格的经营利润率常常与快速发展的技术的资本密集型环境背道而驰。资金需求不仅包括新的资本投资,还包括对培训和发展好人的承诺。无论是时间,才干还是财宝,只有在使所需结果与可用于提交的资源之间取得平衡时,才能成功完成提交资源。rn您始终无能为力。几年前,我正在与一位同事交谈,他说他没有计划流程,实际上没有计划。相反,他根据需要进行购买和雇用。这种行动-或不采取行动-确实是在按计划进行; 。这不是你的计划。相反,您只是对别人扔给您的任何东西做出反应,而这往往最终成为所有计划中最昂贵的计划。



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