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Bare Board X-ray Inspection - Cracks and Breaks


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IN LAST MONTH'S column, I suggested using x-ray inspection equipment more typically used for the investigation and quality control of assembled PCBs to check bare boards ahead of their use in assembly. Such equipment is often already onsite and readily available to the assembler. The benefits of enhanced magnification and resolution this equipment can usually offer toward inspection of representative bare boards ahead of assembly is, I contend, an opportunity to provide additional confidence that all is well in the bedrock of PCBA. Furthermore, the cause of any future issues, if they occur, can be more easily narrowed down to the assembly process, design or components. The example I gave related to the possible issue of poor drilling quality in the board vias and how, in x-ray images, the plating variability can be readily seen, especially if the via is buried within the board and optical inspection is not possible. Variable plating quality, however, such as voiding in the central termination of a QFN (see "QFN Inspection: Don't Forget the Edge!" December 2018 column), can often be relatively obvious for an operator to see when it occurs in the x-ray image such that if it is not present and all looks consistent and appropriate, then other subtler issues may not be considered fully, or missed entirely.
机译:在上个月的专栏中,我建议使用X射线检查设备,该设备通常用于组装后的PCB的调查和质量控制,以便在组装前检查裸板。这样的设备通常已经在现场并且易于组装者使用。我认为,该设备通常可以提供放大和高分辨率的优势,以便在组装之前检查代表性的裸板,这是一个机会,可以让人们更加放心,一切都已经在PCBA的基石上了。此外,如果发生任何将来的问题,可以更容易地将其归结为组装过程,设计或组件。我给出的示例与可能存在的问题有关,即板孔的钻孔质量不佳,以及如何在X射线图像中易于观察到镀层的变化,特别是如果孔被埋在板中并且无法进行光学检查的情况下。但是,可变的镀层质量(例如QFN的中央端子中的空隙)(请参阅“ QFN检查:别忘了边缘!”,2018年12月专栏)通常对于操作员而言很容易看出来在X射线图像中,如果它不存在并且看起来都一致且适当,则可能无法完全考虑或完全忽略其他更微妙的问题。



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