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Partial magnetic order in the itinerant-electron magnet MnSi


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MnSi is an itinerant ferromagnet with a long-wavelength helical modulation of the spin structure. Macroscopic measurements suggest that the ordering temperature T_c is reduced with increasing pressure from T_c = 30 K at p = 0 to zero at the critical pressure p_c = 14.6 kbar. Resistivity measurements show that MnSi enters a non-Fermi liquid state at p_c, which remains to be understood. Neutron scattering techniques have been used to investigate the magnetic structure at and above p_c, i.e. triple-axis spectrometry and small angle neutron scattering. Surprisingly, sizeable quasi-static moments were found to survive to pressures considerably above p_c. They are, however, organized in a highly unusual way such that the magnetic Bragg reflections are sharp in the longitudinal direction but are very broad in the transverse direction, implying a partial magnetic order that was never seen before.
机译:MnSi是具有自旋结构的长波长螺旋调制的流动性铁磁体。宏观测量表明,随着压力的增加,订购温度T_c从p = 0的T_c = 30 K降低到临界压力p_c = 14.6 kbar的零。电阻率测量表明,MnSi在p_c处进入非费米液态,这仍有待了解。中子散射技术已用于研究p_c及以上的磁结构,即三轴光谱法和小角度中子散射。出乎意料的是,发现相当大的准静态力矩可以承受很大的高于p_c的压力。但是,它们以一种非常不寻常的方式进行组织,以使布拉格磁反射在纵向上很清晰,而在横向上却很宽,这意味着以前从未见过的部分磁阶。



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