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Scattering of light by a periodic structure in the presence of randomness VII: Application of statistical detection test


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Detection of periodic structures, hidden in random surfaces has been addressed by us for some time and the 'extended matched filter' method, developed by us, has been shown to be effective in detecting the hidden periodic part from the light scattering data in circumstances where conventional data analysis methods cannot reveal the successive peaks due to scattering by the periodic part of the surface. It has been shown that if T_0 is the coherence length of light on scattering from the rough part and A is the wavelength of the periodic part of the surface, the extended matched filter method can detect hidden periodic structures for (Υ_0/∧ ≥ 0.11, while conventional methods are limited to much higher values ((Υ_0/∧ ≥ 0.33). In the method developed till now, the detection of periodic structures involves the detection of the central peak, first peak and second peak in the scattered intensity of light, located at scattering wave vectors υ_x = 0, Q, 2Q, respectively, where Q = 2π/∧, their distinct identities being obfuscated by the fact that the peaks have width Δυ_x = 2π/Υ_0 Q. The relative magnitudes of these peaks and the consequent problems associated in identifying them is discussed. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical goodness test is used to justify the identification of the peaks. This test is used to 'reject' or 'not reject' the null hypothesis which states that the successive peaks do exist. This test is repeated for various values of Υ_0/∧, which leads to the conclusion that there is really a periodic structure hidden behind the random surface.
机译:我们已经解决了一段时间内隐藏在随机表面中的周期性结构的检测问题,并且在以下情况下,我们开发的“扩展匹配滤波器”方法已被证明可以有效地从光散射数据中检测出隐藏的周期性部分:传统的数据分析方法由于表面周期性部分的散射而无法揭示连续的峰。已经证明,如果T_0是从粗糙部分散射的光的相干长度,而A是表面周期部分的波长,则扩展匹配滤波器方法可以检测到(Υ_0/∧≥0.11,而传统的方法仅限于更高的值((Υ_0/∧≥0.33)。在目前开发的方法中,周期性结构的检测包括检测光散射强度的中心峰,第一峰和第二峰,分别位于散射波矢量υ_x= 0,Q,2Q,其中Q =2π/∧,其峰的宽度被Δυ_x=2π/Υ_0 Q的事实所混淆,它们的独特性被混淆了。这些峰的相对大小并讨论了与识别它们有关的问题,使用Kolmogorov-Smirnov统计优度检验来证明对峰的识别是正确的,该检验用于“拒绝”或“不拒绝”无效假设,该假设指出连续峰确实存在。对Υ_0/ various的各种值重复进行此测试,得出的结论是,随机表面的后面确实存在一个周期性的结构。



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