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Capital scarcity and emission mandates energize retrofit market


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With the increasing cost of capital for constructing new power plants, and the need to reduce power plant emissions, electric utilities are looking at less costly alternatives of repowering, upgrading and retrofitting their older power plants. By upgrading and repowering older power plants, asset owners are able to increase efficiency, add capacity and reduce emissions. Besides improving a plant's operation, the cost of upgrading and repowering older power plants is substantially less than developing a green-field project. In addition, the time and cost for permitting and modifying a plant is less. According to Ray Sensenig, director of fossil services, Parsons E&C, in many areas of the U.S., power plant upgrades are only done to meet state mandates for reducing NO{sub}x and SO{sub}2.
机译:随着建造新电厂的资金成本不断增加,以及减少电厂排放的需求,电力公司正在寻找成本更低的替代方案,如对旧电厂进行供电,升级和翻新。通过升级旧电厂并为其供电,资产所有者可以提高效率,增加容量并减少排放。除了改善发电厂的运行状况之外,对旧发电厂进行升级和重新供电的成本大大低于开发绿地项目的成本。另外,用于许可和修改工厂的时间和成本更少。帕森斯工程技术公司化石服务总监雷·森森尼格(Ray Sensenig)表示,在美国许多地区,电厂升级仅是为了满足减少NO {sub} x和SO {sub} 2的州规定。



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