首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery >Application of controlled switching to 500-kV shunt reactor current interruption

Application of controlled switching to 500-kV shunt reactor current interruption

机译:控制开关在500 kV并联电抗器电流中断中的应用

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To suppress reignition overvoltages caused when a 500-kV shunt reactor current is interrupted by a 550-kV one-break circuit breaker (CB), a study was carried out on controlled switching. Using a full-scale test circuit, reactor current interruption tests were carried out to obtain the relation between opening phase angle and generation of reignition. The results showed that even with the dispersion of CB operations taken into account, there were contact separation points free from high reignition overvoltages. It was also proved that no voltage escalations were caused by reignition and high-frequency arc extinction, and that overvoltages due to current chopping were at a safe level in terms of equipment insulation.
机译:为了抑制当550 kV并联断路器(CB)中断500 kV并联电抗器电流时引起的重合过电压,对可控开关进行了研究。使用满量程测试电路,进行了电抗器电流中断测试,以获取打开相角与产生复燃之间的关系。结果表明,即使考虑到CB操作的分散性,接触分离点也没有高复燃过电压。还证明了再点火和高频电弧熄灭不会引起电压升高,并且就设备绝缘而言,由于电流斩波引起的过电压处于安全水平。



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