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Dual Eligibles' Experience of Care with North Carolina's Patient-Centered Medical Home


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Although individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles) are among those with the nation's greatest need, at $300 billion per year, their care is also expensive and beset by quality problems. Previous research found problems associated with inadequate coordination of benefits and services; however, these studies have largely used quantitative approaches and focused on providers-few studies have explored the perspective of dual eligible patients. In an effort to improve care and reduce costs, North Carolina (NC) developed a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model centered on a continuous relationship with a primary care provider who is responsible for coordination of services and addressing patients' health care needs by providing direct services or arranging care with other qualified professionals. This article presents the history of the NC PCMH model and describes results of an in-depth qualitative investigation of dual eligible patients' experience of care with this model. Experience of care was captured through 11 focus groups with 61 dual eligible patients. Focus groups were audio recorded and analyzed using NVivo 9 software, which supported the categorization of data into themes based on frequency and intensity of discussions. Findings indicate that dual eligible patients were generally satisfied by the care received through the NC PCMH program. However, many patients reported continuity of care issues, problems accessing necessary prescription drugs, and difficulties navigating the health care delivery system. Findings also revealed that conflicting state and federal Medicaid drug co-pay policies confused and limited access for some patients.
机译:尽管同时参加医疗保险和医疗补助(双重资格)的个人属于该国最需要的人群,但每年需要3000亿美元,但他们的护理也很昂贵,而且受到质量问题的困扰。先前的研究发现与利益和服务的协调不足有关的问题;但是,这些研究主要使用定量方法,并且侧重于提供者,很少有研究探讨双重合格患者的观点。为了改善护理并降低成本,北卡罗来纳州(NC)开发了一种以患者为中心的医疗之家(PCMH)模型,该模型的重点是与负责协调服务和满足患者医疗保健需求的初级护理提供者的持续关系通过提供直接服务或与其他合格专业人员安排护理。本文介绍了NC PCMH模型的历史,并描述了对双重合格患者使用该模型进行护理的深入定性调查结果。通过11个焦点小组的61名双重合格患者获得了护理经验。使用NVivo 9软件对焦点小组进行了录音和分析,该软件支持根据讨论的频率和强度将数据分类为主题。研究结果表明,通过NC PCMH计划获得的双重护理通常使双重合格的患者满意。但是,许多患者报告了护理问题的连续性,难以获得必要的处方药以及在医疗保健提供系统中使用困难。调查结果还显示,州和联邦医疗补助药物的共付政策相互冲突,某些患者的出入受限。



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