首页> 外文期刊>Polish Journal of Environmental Studies >Renaturization Plan for a River Valley Subject to High Human Impact - Hydrological Aspects

Renaturization Plan for a River Valley Subject to High Human Impact - Hydrological Aspects


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This article presents hydrological aspects of a renaturization plan for a river valley that has been significantly transformed as a result of human impact. A section of the Szarlejka River valley located at the border of the cities of Bytom and Radzionkow was used for this purpose. The hydrographic conditions of the area under consideration have been significantly altered due to human action. These transformations are the result of systematic residential and industrial infrastructure development, which has been accompanied by industrial waste disposal. Underground coal mining in the area has caused subsidence and discharge of saline mining waters to rivers. The Szarlejka is considered one of the most polluted rivers in Silesia Province (Polish: wojewodztwo slaskie) and all of Poland. The primary objective of the renaturization plan is to improve abiotic conditions and water status. This plan is based on the analysis of all accessible data, including archival maps and field work. Hydrological and hydrotechnical renaturization actions are proposed for the Szarlejka River valley that cover the elements, structures, and facilities, of which the mere presence brings the waters closer to their natural state (barrages inhibiting erosion, connections allowing for the circulation of aquatic organisms). The proposal also includes building astatic reservoirs, creating oxbow tanks in retained sections of the old river bed, and building a pond with a wetland and an island. The restored structures will affect abiotic and biotic conditions, consequently influencing the water recovery process with the aim of bringing it closer to its natural state. For the purposes of the planned renaturization, a geographic information system (GIS) was created, enabling digital map generation, database creation, and calculations.
机译:本文介绍了由于人类影响而发生重大变化的河谷复性计划的水文方面。为此目的,位于比托姆市和拉齐奥科夫市交界处的沙勒莱卡河谷地区的一部分。由于人类的影响,所考虑区域的水文条件已经发生了重大变化。这些转变是住宅和工业基础设施系统发展的结果,同时伴随着工业废物处理。该地区的地下煤矿开采导致盐矿开采水的沉陷和向河流的排放。 Szarlejka被认为是西里西亚省(波兰:wojewodztwo slaskie)和整个波兰污染最严重的河流之一。复性计划的主要目标是改善非生物条件和水质。该计划基于对所有可访问数据的分析,包括档案图和现场工作。建议对Szarlejka河流域的水文和水力技术进行复性作用,该流域涵盖了元素,结构和设施,仅仅存在这些元素就使水域更接近其自然状态(拦河坝抑制了侵蚀,使得水生生物得以循环流通)。该提议还包括建造一个静态水库,在旧河床的保留部分建造牛弓水箱,以及建造一个带有湿地和岛屿的池塘。修复后的结构将影响非生物和生物条件,从而影响水的回收过程,以使其更接近自然状态。为了计划的复性,创建了一个地理信息系统(GIS),可以进行数字地图生成,数据库创建和计算。



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