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Limits of knowing or the consequences of difficult-access problems for multi-method research and public policy


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How can scientists acquire an adequate level of knowledge on phenomena whose actors actively conceal their activities? Social phenomena such as terrorism, sects, corruption, Mafia organizations, drug dealers, or government intelligence agencies actively guard their secrecy, conceal their activities, decide who is allowed (not) to know, and have no interest in being observed or understood by others. The article discusses the consequences of researching difficult-access problems for doing multi-method research. In an ideal-typical approach, we distinguish between social problems that can be easily accessed and those that are difficult to access or non-accessible. To distinguish the two, we define characteristics that eventually lead to the conclusion that scientific inquiry that follows the conventional paradigm of professionalism, transparency, and replicable research reaches its limits when confronted with the active resistance of phenomena that do not like to be observed, understood, or critically approached. From this flows, the necessity to think about interdisciplinary, collaborative, and investigative modes of research that come with various prices.
机译:科学家如何获得有关行为者积极掩盖其活动的现象的足够知识?诸如恐怖主义,教派,腐败,黑手党组织,毒贩或政府情报机构之类的社会现象会积极保护其机密性,隐瞒其活动,决定允许(不)知道谁,并且不希望被他人观察或理解。本文讨论了研究难以访问的问题对进行多方法研究的后果。在一种理想的典型方法中,我们区分了容易解决的社会问题和难以解决或无法解决的社会问题。为了区分两者,我们定义了一些特征,这些特征最终导致这样的结论:遵循传统的专业性,透明性和可复制性研究范式的科学探究在遇到不喜欢观察,理解的现象的主动抵抗时达到其极限。 ,或严格要求。因此,有必要考虑各种价格的跨学科,协作和研究性研究模式。



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