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Hydronic Dips 'n' Swings: To Survive And Thrive, Be Smarter Than The Average Bear Market


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Raise your hand if you think the economy stinks. Alright... a quick hand-count confirms it: we're in a recession. But wait - the story rests with the folks who don't agree. You could Read all about it! in every newspaper and magazine, seek enlightenment on network news, or tap every dot com resource on the Web. Yet for every poll taken, for every source of intelligence, there's a contrarian view, a thread of hope. This is one of those. I agree - the conflicting opinions are baffling. Housing starts are way down, and commercial construction is dipping as well. Sadly, these realities are tied to a mortgage and finance mess that the Feds haven't fixed. And then there's the global market vortex: hey, we're all in this together.
机译:如果您认为经济不景气,请举手。好吧...快速计数可以证实这一点:我们正处于衰退之中。但是,等等-这个故事在于那些不同意的人。您可以阅读所有内容!在每家报纸和杂志中,寻求对网络新闻的启发,或点击Web上的每个dot com资源。然而,对于每一次民意测验,每一种情报来源,都有一种相反的观点,充满希望。这就是其中之一。我同意-矛盾的意见令人困惑。房屋开工下降,商业建筑也在下降。可悲的是,这些现实与美联储尚未解决的抵押贷款和金融混乱有关。然后是全球市场的漩涡:嘿,我们在一起。



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