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PJM, MISO next-day prices fall as demand ticks down


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Mid-Atlantic and Midcontinent power prices were trading lower Tuesday on the Intercontinental Exchange alongside slightly lower demand expectations, even as natural gas prices continued to rise. In the PJM Interconnection, PJM West Hub day-ahead on-peak fell about $2.25 to trade in the low $30s/MWh on ICE for Wednesday delivery. Similarly, AD Hub day-ahead on-peak shed $2 to the low $30s/MWh. On Wednesday, PJM peakload is forecast around 86,185 MW, falling about 2% day on day, according to grid-operator data. High temperatures across the PJM footprint are forecast to be flat to 4 degrees higher day on day, ranging from the upper 50s to mid-60s Fahrenheit, according to CustomWeather data. Throughout the region, the forecast highs are within 2-3 degrees F of seasonal norms.
机译:尽管天然气价格继续上涨,但洲际交易所的大西洋中部和中部大陆电力价格周二仍在走低,而需求预期略有下降。在PJM互连系统中,PJM西集线器日前高峰时段下跌约2.25美元,周三交付时的ICE交易价格低至30美元/兆瓦时。同样,AD Hub的日前高峰时段价格也下跌了2美元,至30美元/兆瓦时。根据电网运营商的数据,预计周三PJM高峰负荷约为86,185兆瓦,每天下降约2%。根据CustomWeather的数据,整个PJM足迹的高温预计将每天升高4摄氏度,范围从华氏50到60年代中期。在整个地区,预测的最高温度在季节性标准的2-3华氏度以内。



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