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Volatile wind pulls CEE higher and thither


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Polish baseload day ahead prices ended week 40 strongly as wind availability backed off from highs of 5 GW to fall below 1 GW. Wind generation for October 5 was forecast to fluctuate between a high of 2 GW to a low of just 0.85 GW, according to Entso-e. Spot prices averaged Zloty 299.68/MWh (Eur69.60/MWh) October 4, up 37% from a low of Zloty 219.11/MWh October 2 and a rise of 14% from Zloty 262.73/ MWh September 27. Rising temperatures helped boost the spot with the average temperature in Warsaw forecast to edge up to five degrees warmer than normal by October 7, according to CustomWeather. Polish curve prices have climbed down from recent recordbreaking Zloty 300/MWh levels but were stable week on week as carbon and coal strengthened October 4.
机译:由于风力供应量从5吉瓦的高位回落至1吉瓦以下,波兰前一天的基本价格在第40周强烈收盘。根据Entso-e的预测,10月5日的风力发电量将在2吉瓦的高位和0.85吉瓦的低位之间波动。 10月4日,现货平均价格为兹罗提299.68 / MWh(Eur69.60 / MWh),较10月2日的兹罗提219.11 / MWh的低点上涨了37%,较9月27日的兹罗提262.73 / MWh上涨了14%。根据CustomWeather的预测,华沙的平均气温到10月7日将比正常高出5度。波兰曲线价格已从近期创纪录的兹罗提300 / MWh水平攀升,但随着10月4日碳和煤炭走强,一周稳定。



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