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Republican senators offer CAIR reinstatement measure, but outlook for action this year dim


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Two Republican senators last week introduced legislation to fully reinstate the Clean Air Interstate Rule, which provided an emissions allowance trading program for Eastern states to curb smog pollution from power plants beginning in 2009. Senators James Inhofe of Oklahoma and George Voinovich of Ohio, both senior members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said the bill would fill the regulatory gap left by a federal court's July 11 decision vacating the rule and remanding it to the Environmental Protection Agency. The idea is that codifying the rule in law would remedy the problem identified by the court: that aspects of CAIR were not authorized by law. Meanwhile, two other committee members, Delaware Democrat Tom Carper and Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander, met with power industry, environmental and state regulatory officials on how best to address the CAIR remand. Carper and Alexander voiced support for passing legislation soon that would install phase 1 of CAIR for a limited time, such as two years, and then coming out in a future Congress with legislation for more stringent longer-term reductions of power plant emissions.
机译:两名共和党参议员上周提出了全面恢复《清洁空气州际规则》的立法,该规则为东部各州提供了排放配额交易计划,以遏制从2009年开始发电厂的烟雾污染。俄克拉荷马州的詹姆斯·英霍夫参议员和俄亥俄州的乔治·沃伊诺维奇参议员参议院环境与公共工程委员会的成员表示,该法案将填补联邦法院7月11日撤销该规则并将其退还给环境保护署的决定留下的监管空白。这样做的想法是,将法律规则编纂成文可以解决法院确定的问题:CAIR的各个方面未经法律授权。同时,另外两名委员会成员,特拉华州民主党人汤姆·卡珀和田纳西州共和党人拉马尔·亚历山大,与电力行业,环境和州监管官员举行了会议,讨论了如何最好地解决CAIR还款问题。 Carper和Alexander表示支持尽快通过立法,该立法将在有限的时间内(例如两年)安装CAIR的第一阶段,然后在未来的国会中出台有关立法,以更严格地长期减少发电厂的排放。



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