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Exelon's battle for NRG takeover turns hostile; 'white knight' could surface, analysts say


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In these extremely uncertain times, cash may be "king" as David Crane, president and CEO of hostile takeover target NRG Energy proclaimed last week. But in the world of US publicly traded electric utilities and merchant power generators, shareholders hold the keys to the kingdom. The apparent desire of Princeton, New Jersey-based NRG to remain independent will be sorely tested in the coming days after Exelon last week made good on a late October threat to continue its determined pursuit of NRG, even if the latter spurned Exelon's $6.2 billion all-stock merger offer (EUW, 27 Oct, 1). On November 12, three days after NRG management rejected the deal, the Chicago-based parent company of Commonwealth Edison and Peco Energy bypassed NRG executives and directors and took their bid of 0.485 shares of Exelon stock for each share of NRG stock directly to shareholders of the "pure play" power generation company. An Exelon takeover likely would require it to refinance almost $8 billion of NRG outstanding debt.
机译:在这些极度不确定的时期,现金可能是“王牌”,这是敌对收购目标NRG Energy的总裁兼首席执行官戴维·克莱恩(David Crane)上周宣布的。但是在美国公开交易的电力公用事业和商业发电机的世界中,股东掌握着王国的钥匙。上周埃克森美孚(Exelon)在10月下旬威胁要继续坚定地追求NRG之后,未来几天将对位于新泽西州普林斯顿的NRG保持独立的明显渴望进行考验,即使后者拒绝了Exelon的62亿美元全部股票合并要约(EUW,10月27日,1)。在NRG管理层拒绝交易三天后的11月12日,总部位于芝加哥的联邦爱迪生和Peco Energy母公司绕开了NRG的高管和董事,直接将每股NRG股份的0.485股Exelon股票的出价直接竞标给NRG的股东“纯玩”发电公司。收购Exelon可能需要为其再融资近80亿美元的NRG未偿债务。



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