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Doe Advisory Panel Issues Reports On Policy, Grid Changes Needed To Meet Future Demand


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The Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee released three draft reports last week that recommend how the department should develop a smart grid, store electric power and ensure a reliable power supply in the face of rising demand. The committee was formed earlier this year, and whether the incoming administration under Barack Obama accepts the group's recommendations and retains the advisory committee that developed them is unclear. Linda Stuntz, the Washington attorney and former deputy secretary of energy who chairs the 30-member committee, said she does not know what will happen to the committee in the new administration or whether the reports will be used. "We were all appointed for one-year terms. It'll be up to the new administration," Stuntz said. "Our hope is that the committee will be kept by the new secretary" because "there is certainly value in having the committee," she said. Another committee member, who asked not to be named, expressed a similar sentiment, pointing out that the committee includes a broad array of people with policy and industry experience in different energy sectors. "We're not sure what will happen" when Obama takes the oath of office on January 20, but "I'm hopeful that the incoming administration will find the work product meaningful and useful" in its policy deliberations, the committee member said.
机译:能源部电力咨询委员会上周发布了三份报告草案,建议能源部在面对不断增长的需求时应如何开发智能电网,存储电力并确保可靠的电力供应。该委员会于今年初成立,目前尚不清楚巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)上任的新任政府是否接受该小组的建议,并保留制定这些建议的咨询委员会。华盛顿检察官,前能源部副部长琳达·斯特恩茨(Linda Stuntz)是由30名成员组成的委员会的主席,她说,她不知道新政府将对委员会采取什么行动,也不知道这些报告是否会被使用。斯特恩茨说:“我们都被任命为一年任期。这将取决于新政府。”她说:“我们希望委员会将由新任秘书保留。”因为“成立委员会肯定有其价值。”另一位不愿透露姓名的委员会成员也表达了类似的观点,并指出该委员会包括了在不同能源领域具有政策和行业经验的广泛人士。该委员会成员说,当奥巴马于1月20日宣誓就职时,“我们不确定会发生什么”,但“我希望新任政府在其政策审议中能发现工作产品有意义且有用”。



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