首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science >Cathode Plasma Jet Pinching and Intense X-Ray Emission in a Moderate-Current Laser-Triggered Vacuum Discharge

Cathode Plasma Jet Pinching and Intense X-Ray Emission in a Moderate-Current Laser-Triggered Vacuum Discharge


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Occurrence of cathode plasma jet pinching and its dependence on anode-cathode separation (d=2-10 mm) in a moderate-current (~10 kA) low-energy (les 20 J) vacuum discharge is presented. Discharge was created between a planar titanium cathode and a conical point-tip titanium anode by producing plasma on the cathode using 27-ps-duration laser pulses. For d=2-3 mm, constricted flow of cathode plasma jet up to anode was observed along with multiple feeble local pinchings. A neck formation was observed for d=5-6 mm, whereas multiple pinching occurred for larger separations. Temporal profiles of the X-ray emission from the anode due to bombardment by electrons extracted from the expanding cathode plasma, for different anode-cathode separations, were consistent with the characteristics of cathode plasma jet pinching
机译:介绍了在中等电流(〜10 kA)低能(les 20 J)真空放电中阴极等离子体射流收缩的发生及其对阳极-阴极分离的依赖性(d = 2-10 mm)。通过使用27 ps持续时间的激光脉冲在阴极上产生等离子体,在平面钛阴极和圆锥形尖端钛阳极之间产生放电。对于d = 2-3mm,观察到阴极等离子体射流到阳极的收缩流以及多次微弱的局部收缩。对于d = 5-6mm,观察到颈部形成,而对于较大的分离发生多次收缩。对于不同的阳极-阴极分离,由于从膨胀的阴极等离子体中提取的电子轰击而引起的阳极X射线发射的时间分布与阴极等离子体喷射收缩的特征一致



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