首页> 外文期刊>Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on >Performance Evaluation of Electromagnetic Railgun Exterior Ballistics Based on Cloud Model

Performance Evaluation of Electromagnetic Railgun Exterior Ballistics Based on Cloud Model


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Exterior ballistics performance evaluation plays a critical role in the design and development of the electromagnetic railgun system. The ballistics performance evaluation can be regarded as a multicriteria decision-making problem, for the reason that various characteristics, also termed criteria, have effects on the overall performance. A sophisticated simulation model, including six-DOF mechanics, railgun configuration, environment, and aerodynamics models are established to compute the exterior ballistics profile. Then a comprehensive framework based on cloud model and analytic hierarchy process method are proposed to evaluate ballistics performance. Eight criteria including ballistics velocity, energy efficiency, flight time, flight range, overload, attack angle, and sideslip angle stability are selected to determine exterior ballistics performance. The proposed approach yields the certainty degree of each criterion and integrates multicriteria into the whole performance. Two scenarios including 32-MJ launch energy and 200-km strike range are taken to generate alternatives for assessing ballistics performance, which demonstrate the proposed approach is feasible. Results show that in the same launch energy 32 MJ, the performance levels of 12- and 16-kg projectiles are I (excellent) and III (medium), respectively. Besides, gaining the projectile’s mass can improve performance in the same strike range 200 km.
机译:外部弹道性能评估在电磁轨道炮系统的设计和开发中起着至关重要的作用。弹道性能评估可被视为多准则决策问题,原因是各种特征(也称为准则)会影响整体性能。建立了复杂的仿真模型,包括六自由度力学,轨道炮配置,环境和空气动力学模型,以计算外部弹道轮廓。然后提出了一种基于云模型和层次分析法的综合框架,对弹道性能进行评估。选择八个标准,包括弹道速度,能效,飞行时间,飞行范围,过载,迎角和侧滑角稳定性,以确定外部弹道性能。所提出的方法产生了每个准则的确定性,并将多准则整合到整体绩效中。采取了包括32 MJ发射能量和200 km打击范围的两种方案来生成评估弹道性能的替代方案,这证明了该方法是可行的。结果表明,在相同的32 MJ发射能量下,12公斤和16公斤弹丸的性能水平分别为I(优秀)和III(中等)。此外,在相同的200公里打击范围内,增加弹丸的质量可以改善性能。



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