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Transition of G1 to early S phase may be required for zinnia mesophyll cells to trans-differentiate to tracheary elements


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We have used the Zinnia elegans mesophyll cell system, in which single isolated leaf mesophyll cells can be induced to trans-differentiate into tracheary elements in vitro, to study the relationship between the cell division cycle and cell differentiation. Almost all cells go through several rounds of division before characteristic features of tracheary element formation are observed. The addition of aphidicolin, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, blocks cell division but not cell differentiation in the zinnia system. Low concentrations of aphidicolin, which possibly delay cells in the early S phase, can significantly enhance levels of tracheary element formation. In contrast, roscovitine, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, decelerates the cell division cycle and inhibits tracheary element formation with similar dose responses. Cells blocked in S phase and then transferred to roscovitine-containing medium can divide once, indicating that roscovitine may target the G1/S transition, but do not differentiate. Cells inhibited in G1/S in roscovitine-containing medium that are subsequently blocked in S phase by transfer to aphidicolin-containing medium, do not divide but do differentiate. Taken together, our results indicate that cells may be required to transit the G1/S checkpoint and enter early S phase to acquire competence to trans-differentiate to tracheary elements.
机译:我们已经使用百日草属的叶肉细胞系统,在其中可以诱导单个分离的叶肉细胞在体外转分化为气管元件,以研究细胞分裂周期与细胞分化之间的关系。在观察到气管元件形成的特征之前,几乎所有细胞都要经历几轮分裂。 DNA合成抑制剂Aphidicolin的添加可阻止百日菊属系统中的细胞分裂,但不阻止细胞分化。低浓度的蚜虫药可能会延迟S期早期的细胞,可显着增强气管元件形成的水平。相反,roscovitine是细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶活性的抑制剂,可减缓细胞分裂周期并以相似的剂量反应抑制气管元件的形成。在S期受阻并随后转移到含roscovitine的培养基中的细胞可以分裂一次,表明roscovitine可能靶向G1 / S过渡,但不分化。在含有罗斯科汀的培养基中,G1 / S受到抑制的细胞随后被转移至含蚜虫的培养基中而在S期被阻断,它们不会分裂,但会分化。两者合计,我们的结果表明,可能需要细胞通过G1 / S检查点并进入早期S期以获得获得能力,以将其反式分化为气管元件。



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