首页> 外文期刊>Plant Systematics and Evolution >Biosystematic studies on the family Nartheciaceae (Dioscoreales) I. Phylogenetic relationships, character evolution and taxonomic re-examination

Biosystematic studies on the family Nartheciaceae (Dioscoreales) I. Phylogenetic relationships, character evolution and taxonomic re-examination


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Generally, the family Nartheciaceae is thought to comprise Narthecium (7 spp.), Nietneria (2 spp.), Lophiola (2 spp.), Metanarthecium (1 sp.) and Aletris (ca. 30 spp.), but the taxonomy is quite controversial. To clarify nartheciaceous taxonomy, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of four regions (atpB–rbcL, trnL, trnL–F and 18S rDNA; 4,048 bp in total) using 38 samples, and five regions (plus trnK; 6,337 bp in total) using 26 samples. The four- and five-region analyses indicated that Metanarthecium was the first to diverge from the Nartheciaceae, followed successively by Aletris, Lophiola, Nietneria and Narthecium. Metanarthecium has sometimes been considered congeneric with Aletris, but should be recognised as an independent genus. Aletris foliata, A. fauriei, A. formosana, A. glabra and A. sikkimensis have sometimes been considered conspecific, but this conclusion is not robustly supported. Originally, bifacial leaves and septal nectaries were present in the Nartheciaceae, but the leaves evolved to become unifacial and the septal nectaries were lost within the family, i.e. at the lineage of Narthecium, Nietneria and Lophiola. The ovary frequently shifted from the superior position to somewhat lower positions, and vice versa, in the Nartheciaceae.
机译:通常,麻醉药科被认为由麻醉药(7 spp。),尼特氏菌(2 spp。),金缕梅(2 spp。),金属麻醉药(1 sp。)和Aletris(ca. 30 spp。)组成,但分类法是颇有争议。为了阐明麻醉药分类学,我们使用38个样品对四个区域(atpB–rbcL,trnL,trnL–F和18S rDNA;总共4,048 bp)和五个区域(加上trnK;共6,337 bp)进行了分子系统发育分析,共26个样品。四区和五区分析表明,Metanarthecium是第一个与麻醉科分离的植物,其次是Aletris,Lophiola,Nietneria和Narthecium。有时将元麻醉与Aletris视为同属,但应将其视为一个独立属。有时候人们认为叶形拟南芥(Aetris foliata),fa曲霉(A. fauriei),福寿曲霉(A. formosana),格拉布拉曲霉(A. glabra)和锡金曲霉(A. sikkimensis)是同种的,但该结论没有得到有力的支持。最初,倒影叶和鼻中隔蜜腺存在于麻醉科中,但是这些叶片演变成单面的,并且隔果腺在家庭内失去了分布,即在纳西科,尼特尼亚和罗菲奥拉的世系中。在麻醉科中,卵巢经常从上位转移到下位,反之亦然。



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