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An appraisal of crustal deformation of the East Coprates Planum, Mars


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Terrestrial planets in the Solar System have been impacted by meteorites from the very beginning of their existence. Mars is a planet that preserves features of tectonic deformation as well as impact-related deformation. East Coprates Planum (ECP) is an area situated on the equatorial region located just on the south of the dichotomy boundary of Mars, which has been affected by numerous tectonic and impact events from the past. A detailed structural map of ECP was prepared focusing on the wrinkle ridges (WRs) and a few Polygonal Impact Craters (PICs) in the region. The study discusses the relationship between these two geomorphic features. The WRs (established geomorphic signatures of thrust faulting) within this area were studied and various morphometric data generated from them were used to estimate the inclination of subsurface faults and shortening across the ridges. To find out the control of pre-existing weak planes on the formation of PIC rims, the parallelism between them was studied. This study was further used as a proxy to check if there is any buried weak plane in the region and their orientation. Three sets of WRs [(i) N-S, (ii) E-W, and (iii) NNE-SSW] and a set of dykes (ENE-WSW), a solitary dyke of different orientation, and a solitary graben are present. Shortening estimates across the WRs are similar to the previous estimates from both Mars and Moon. This study reveals that along with the N-S and E-W trending WRs, a set of unexposed similar to NNW-SSE trending weak planes controlled the rim geometry of the PICs in this area.
机译:太阳系中的地面行星受到它们存在的开始的影响。火星是一个包围构造变形的特征以及与影响相关变形的行星。东共Planum(ECP)是位于赤道地区,位于火星的二分法边界南部的赤道地区,这受到了过去的众多构造和影响事件的影响。 ECP的详细结构地图专注于该地区的皱纹(WRS)和几个多边形冲击陨石坑(PICS)。该研究讨论了这两个地貌特征之间的关系。研究了该地区内的WRS(建立了推力故障的地貌签名),并使用它们产生的各种形态学数据来估计地下断层的倾斜和脊穿过脊。要找出对PIC轮辋的形成的预先存在的弱平面的控制,研究了它们之间的并行性。该研究进一步用作检查区域中是否存在任何埋设弱平面的代理及其方向。存在三组WRS [(i)N-S,(II)E-W和(III)NNE-SSW]和一组堤(ENE-WSW),不同取向的孤立堤和孤零性抓住。跨越WRS的缩短估计与来自火星和月亮的先前估计值类似。本研究表明,与N-S和E-W趋势WRS一起,一套未曝光类似于NNW-SSE趋势弱飞机控制该区域中照片的边缘几何形状。



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