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Isotopic signatures of extinct low-temperature hydrothermal chimneys in the Jaroso Mars analog


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The present work presents a geochemical study, focused on the oxygen and carbon isotopic signatures of shallow-marine, carbonate extinct chimneys, from Jaroso Hydrothermal System (JHS). In each chimney a meticulous sampling from the central orifice to the outer rim of the structure was performed. The isotopic geochemistry study allowed to establish the origin and evolution of the fluids during the formation of the vent structures. The negative δ~(13)C values indicate a source of meteoric water for the Fe-rich fluids. More positive δ~(13)C values are present in ankerite and in some calcite, both related with marine water. δ~(18)O in ankerite indicates low-temperature hydrothermal conditions, while in calcite is showing either primary signatures or early diagenesis at low temperature. On the contrary, calcite displaying more negative δ~(13)C and δ~(18)O values represents a late mineral phase which was formed under meteoric diagenesis. Each chimney resulted from the precipitation of intergranular carbonate cement around a channellized flux of metal-rich fluid crossing a shallow-marine, unconsolidated, sandy-marl substrate. The paleoenvironmental interpretation carried out from the isotopic data emphasizes the importance of the stable isotopes as fluid geomarkers, also advancing in the understanding of an interesting analog for the geological and astrobiological exploration of Mars.
机译:本工作提出了一项地球化学研究,重点研究了来自Jaroso水热系统(JHS)的浅海碳酸盐灭绝烟囱的氧气和碳同位素特征。在每个烟囱中,从结构的中心孔口到外缘进行了细致的采样。同位素地球化学研究可以确定喷口结构形成过程中流体的起源和演化。 δ〜(13)C的负值表示富铁流体的陨石水源。钙铁矿和一些方解石中存在较高的δ〜(13)C正值,两者都与海水有关。白铁矿中的δ〜(18)O表示低温热液条件,而方解石中的δ〜(18)O表示主要特征或在低温下早期成岩作用。相反,方解石显示出更负的δ〜(13)C和δ〜(18)O值,代表了在成岩作用下形成的晚期矿物相。每个烟囱是由富金属流体的通道化通量周围穿过浅海洋,未固结的沙质泥质基质的晶间碳酸盐水泥的沉淀所致。从同位素数据进行的古环境解释强调了稳定同位素作为流体地质标记的重要性,同时也促进了对火星地质和天体生物学探索有趣的类似物的理解。



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