首页> 外文期刊>Planetary and space science >Astrometry Of The Inner Jovian Moons Thebe, Amalthea, And Metis

Astrometry Of The Inner Jovian Moons Thebe, Amalthea, And Metis


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The paper presents the results of the astrometric observations of the inner Jovian satellites Thebe, Amalthea, and Metis obtained with 2-m Zeiss RCC Telescope located at Peak Terskol Observatory. The 268 inter-satellite positions were gathered during the five-year period between 1998 and 2002. Comparison of the observed positions with those of JPL JUP203 ephemerides demonstrates high quality of the collected observations. The RMS errors of the differences between the observed and the theoretical positions are about 0.10, 0.15, and 0.30 arcsec for Amalthea, Thebe, and Metis, respectively. Thebe and Amalthea's mean residuals are about zero. The dispertion of the mean residuals derived from the data sets obtained in the different years does not exceed 0.04 arcsec. The brief description of the technique for the scattered light subtraction may be useful as an experience of the image processing of a faint object near the bright planet.
机译:本文介绍了使用位于峰值特斯科尔天文台的2-m Zeiss RCC望远镜获得的内部木星卫星Thebe,Amalthea和Metis的天文观测结果。在1998年至2002年这5年中,共收集到268个卫星间位置。将观测到的位置与JPL JUP203星历表的位置进行比较,表明所收集观测值的质量很高。对于Amalthea,Thebe和Metis,观测到的位置与理论位置之间的差的RMS误差分别约为0.10、0.15和0.30 arcsec。 Thebe和Amalthea的平均残差约为零。从不同年份获得的数据集得出的平均残差的离散度不超过0.04 arcsec。作为对亮行星附近微弱物体进行图像处理的经验,对散射光减法技术的简要描述可能会很有用。



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