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The January 7, 2015, superbolide over Romania and structural diversity of meter-sized asteroids


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Superbolides, i.e. extremely bright meteors produced by entries of meter-sized bodies into terrestrial atmosphere, are rare events. We present here detailed analysis of a superbolide, which occurred over Romania on January 7, 2015. The trajectory, velocity, and orbit were determined using two all-sky photographs from a station of the European Fireball Network (EN) in Slovakia and five casual video records from Romania, which were carefully calibrated. Bolide light curve was measured by EN radiometers. We found that the entry speed was 27.76 +/- 0.19 km s(-1), significantly lower than reported by US Government sensors. The orbit was asteroidal with low inclination and aphelion inside Jupiter's orbit. The atmospheric behavior was, however, not typical for an asteroidal body. The peak brightness of absolute magnitude of -21 was reached at a quite large height of 42.8 km and the brightness then decreased quickly. The bolide almost disappeared at a height of 38.7 km, leaving just a stationary luminous trail visible for several seconds. Only one small fragment continued until the height of 36 km. Brief meteorite searches were unsuccessful. The modeling of the light curve revealed that the body of initial mass of about 4500 kg remained almost intact until the dynamic pressure reached 0.9 MPa but it was then quickly disintegrated into many tiny fragments and dust under 1-3 MPa. A comparison was made with three other superbolides for which we have radiometric light curves: ordinary chondrite fall Kosice, carbonaceous chondrite fall Maribo, and cometary Taurid bolide of October 31, 2015. The Romanian superbolide was not similar to any of these and represents probably a new type of material with intrinsic strength of about 1 MPa.
机译:超生物质,即由米大小的物体进入地球大气而产生的极明亮的流星,是罕见的事件。我们在此提供2015年1月7日发生在罗马尼亚上空的超生物质的详细分析。轨迹,速度和轨道是使用来自斯洛伐克欧洲火球网(EN)站的两张全天照片和五张偶然的照片确定的来自罗马尼亚的视频记录,并经过仔细校准。硼化物光曲线通过EN辐射计测量。我们发现进入速度为27.76 +/- 0.19 km s(-1),大大低于美国政府传感器报告的速度。该轨道是小行星,在木星的轨道内具有较低的倾角和顶音。然而,对于小行星体而言,大气行为并不常见。在42.8 km的很大高度处达到-21的绝对大小的峰值亮度,然后亮度迅速下降。在38.7公里的高度,该流星几乎消失了,仅在几秒钟内可见一条固定的发光轨迹。只有一个小片段一直持续到36公里的高度。简短的陨石搜索失败。光曲线的建模表明,初始质量约为4500 kg的物体在动压达到0.9 MPa之前几乎保持完好无损,但随后在1-3 MPa的压力下迅速分解成许多细小的碎片和粉尘。我们对其他三种具有放射线光度曲线的超生化物进行了比较:普通球粒陨石科希策,碳质球粒陨石马里博和2015年10月31日的Taurid彗星彗星。新型材料,其固有强度约为1 MPa。



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