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Adventures of a Theoretical Physicist, Part I: Europe




I was born in Budapest, Hungary, on July 7, 1907, and this first part of my interview with Andor Frenkel focuses on my life and work in Europe. After my elementary and secondary education I studied mathematics at the University of Budapest for two years. I went to the University of G?ttingen in 1928 where I attended Max Born’s lectures on quantum mechanics, which influenced me to change from mathematics to physics, and as a consequence I focused on filling the gaps in my physics background. When ready to turn to research work I followed the advice of my friend Edward Teller and spent three months in Werner Heisenberg’s group at the University of Leipzig in the summer of 1930. That fall I returned to the University of Budapest, where I received my Ph.D.degree in the summer of 1932. Two months later, because I had become entangled in the illegal Communist Party, I was arrested and sentenced to fourteen months in prison. Fifteen months after my release, I joined Lev Landau’s group at the Ukrainian Physical-Technical Institute in Kharkov, passed Landau’s so-called “theorminimum” program on my second attempt, began research on the theory of liquid helium, and lost my faith in communism following Stalin’s repressive measures. I obtained an exit visa through the Hungarian Legation and returned to Budapest in June 1937. That September, again with the help of my friend Edward Teller, I attended a conference in Paris where I met Fritz London and Edmond Bauer, who arranged for me a small scholarship and an association with the Langevin laboratory at the Collège de France. Four months later, in January 1938 Kapitza, and John F. Allen and A. Donald Misener reported their independent discovery of the superfluidity of helium, which London and I explored theoretically and I explained with my two-fluid theory later in 1938. Following the German invasion of France, my wife and I left Paris for Toulouse in June 1940, obtained exit visas to enter Spain and Portugal in February 1941, and boarded a Portuguese ship for New York the following month.
机译:我于1907年7月7日出生在匈牙利的布达佩斯,接受安道尔·弗伦克(Andor Frenkel)采访的第一部分着重于我在欧洲的生活和工作。在接受初等和中等教育之后,我在布达佩斯大学学习了两年的数学。 1928年,我去了G?ttingen大学,在那里我参加了马克斯·伯恩(Max Born)关于量子力学的演讲,这影响了我从数学到物理学的转变,因此我专注于填补物理学背景的空白。当准备进行研究工作时,我听了朋友爱德华·泰勒(Edward Teller)的建议,于1930年夏天在莱比锡大学的维尔纳·海森堡(Werner Heisenberg)小组工作了三个月。那年秋天,我回到布达佩斯大学,获得博士学位。 1932年夏天获得博士学位。两个月后,由于我被非法共产党纠缠,我被捕并被判处14个月监禁。获释15个月后,我加入了哈尔科夫乌克兰物理技术学院的列夫·兰道(Lev Landau)小组,在我的第二次尝试中通过了兰道的所谓“最小理论”程序,开始研究液氦理论,对共产主义失去了信心遵循斯大林的镇压措施。我通过匈牙利使馆获得了退出签证,然后于1937年6月回到布达佩斯。那年9月,在朋友爱德华·泰勒的帮助下,我再次参加了在巴黎举行的一次会议,会见了弗里茨·伦敦和埃德蒙·鲍尔,后者为我安排了一次小额奖学金,并与法兰西学院(Collègede France)的Langevin实验室建立了联系。四个月后,1938年1月,Kapitza和John F. Allen和A. Donald Misener报告了他们对氦超流体的独立发现,我和伦敦在理论上进行了探索,并于1938年晚些时候用双流体理论进行了解释。德国入侵法国,我和我的妻子于1940年6月离开巴黎前往图卢兹,于1941年2月获得了进入西班牙和葡萄牙的出境签证,并于次月登上了前往纽约的葡萄牙船。



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