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Much Polyphony but Little Harmony: Otto Sackur’s Groping for a Quantum Theory of Gases

机译:多和弦但很少和声:奥托·萨克(Otto Sackur)探索气体量子理论

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The endeavor of Otto Sackur (1880–1914) was driven, on the one hand, by his interest in Nernst’s heat theorem, statistical mechanics, and the problem of chemical equilibrium and, on the other hand, by his goal to shed light on classical mechanics from the quantum vantage point. Inspired by the interplay between classical physics and quantum theory, Sackur chanced to expound his personal take on the role of the quantum in the changing landscape of physics in the turbulent 1910s. We tell the story of this enthusiastic practitioner of the old quantum theory and early contributor to quantum statistical mechanics, whose scientific ontogenesis provides a telling clue about the phylogeny of his contemporaries.
机译:奥托·萨克(Otto Sackur(1880–1914))的努力,一方面是由于他对能斯特定理,统计力学和化学平衡问题的浓厚兴趣,另一方面是因为他的目标是阐明经典从量子优势的角度看力学。受经典物理学和量子理论之间相互作用的启发,萨克有机会阐述自己对量子的作用,即在动荡的1910年代物理学在不断变化的格局中的作用。我们讲述了这个古老的量子理论的热心实践者和量子统计力学的早期贡献者的故事,他的科学本体论为他同时代的系统发育提供了一条线索。



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