首页> 外文期刊>Physical review >Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional quantum wires without long-ranged superconducting order

Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional quantum wires without long-ranged superconducting order


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We show that long-ranged superconducting order is not necessary to guarantee the existence of Majorana fermion zero modes at the ends of a quantum wire. We formulate a concrete model, which applies, for instance, to a semiconducting quantum wire with strong spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting coupled to a wire with algebraically decaying superconducting fluctuations. We solve this model by bosonization and show that it supports Majorana fermion zero modes. We show that electron backscattering in the superconducting wire, which is caused by potential variations at the Fermi wave vector, generates quantum phase slips that cause a splitting of the topological degeneracy, which decays as a power law of the length of the superconducting wire. The power is proportional to the number of channels in the superconducting wire. Other perturbations give contributions to the splitting that decay exponentially with the length of either the superconducting or semiconducting wires. We argue that our results are generic and apply to a large class of models. We discuss the implications for experiments on spin-orbit coupled nanowires coated with superconducting film and for LaAlO_3/SrTiO_3 interfaces.
机译:我们表明,为了保证在量子线末端存在马约拉那费米子零模,没有必要采用长距离超导顺序。我们制定了一个具体模型,例如,该模型适用于具有强自旋轨道耦合和塞曼分裂耦合至具有代数衰减超导涨落线的半导体量子线。我们通过玻色化解决了该模型,并表明它支持马约拉纳费米子零模。我们表明,超导线中的电子反向散射是由费米波矢量处的电势变化引起的,会产生量子相位滑动,从而引起拓扑简并性的分裂,并随着超导线长的幂律而衰减。功率与超导线中的通道数成正比。其他扰动对分裂的贡献也随着超导或半导体导线的长度呈指数衰减。我们认为我们的结果是通用的,适用于一大类模型。我们讨论了超导薄膜包覆的自旋轨道耦合纳米线上的实验以及LaAlO_3 / SrTiO_3界面的意义。



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