首页> 外文期刊>Physical review letters >Evidence for Rigid Triaxial Deformation in ~(76)Ge from a Model-Independent Analysis

Evidence for Rigid Triaxial Deformation in ~(76)Ge from a Model-Independent Analysis


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An extensive, model-independent analysis of the nature of triaxial deformation in Ge-76, a candidate for neutrinoless double-beta (0 nu beta beta) decay, was carried out following multistep Coulomb excitation. Shape parameters deduced on the basis of a rotational-invariant sum-rule analysis provided considerable insight into the underlying collectivity of the ground-state and gamma bands. Both sequences were determined to be characterized by the same beta and gamma deformation parameter values. In addition, compelling evidence for low-spin, rigid triaxial deformation in Ge-76 was obtained for the first time from the analysis of the statistical fluctuations of the quadrupole asymmetry deduced from the measured E2 matrix elements. These newly determined shape parameters are important input and constraints for calculations aimed at providing, with suitable accuracy, the nuclear matrix elements relevant to 0 nu beta beta.
机译:在多步库仑激发之后,对Ge-76(无中微子双β(0 nuββ)衰变的候选物)中的三轴变形的性质进行了广泛的模型独立分析。根据旋转不变和规则分析得出的形状参数为基态和伽马谱带的潜在整体性提供了相当多的见识。确定两个序列都具有相同的β和γ变形参数值。此外,通过对由测得的E2矩阵元素推导出的四极不对称性的统计波动进行分析,首次获得了有关Ge-76低旋转刚性三轴变形的有力证据。这些新确定的形状参数是重要的输入和约束条件,旨在以适当的精度提供与0 nu beta beta相关的核基质元素。



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