首页> 外文期刊>Photosynthetica >Low substrate temperature imposes higher limitation to photosynthesis of orange plants as compared to atmospheric chilling

Low substrate temperature imposes higher limitation to photosynthesis of orange plants as compared to atmospheric chilling


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low air temperature during nocturnal (TN) and diurnal (TD) periods as well as the substrate temperature (TS) on photosynthesis of ‘Valencia’ orange tree grafted on Rangpur lime rootstock. The experiment was carried out in a growth chamber with seven-month-old plants. The plants were exposed to the following temperature regimes: low substrate temperature (LTS, with: TD = 28°C, TN = 20°C, TS = 10°C); low air temperature during night (LTN, with: TD = 28°C, TN = 10°C, TS = 26°C); low temperature during nighttime and also low substrate temperature (LTSN, with: TD = 28°C, TN = 10°C, TS = 10°C); low air temperature during both diurnal and nocturnal periods (LTND, with: TD = 17°C, TN = 10°C, TS = 26°C); and finally to low air temperature (night and day) and low substrate temperature (LTSND, with: TD = 17°C, TN = 10°C, TS = 10°C). As reference (control), plants were subjected to TD = 28°C, TN = 20°C, and TS = 26°C. Measurements of leaf gas exchange, photochemical activity and carbohydrate concentrations were performed after six days of exposure to each thermal treatment. Compared to the control, all thermal regimes caused reductions in photosynthesis due to diffusive and metabolic limitations. The photoinhibition was transient in plants exposed to night and substrate low temperatures, whereas it was severe and chronic in plants subjected to chilling during the diurnal period. However, the lowest photosynthesis was observed in plants with low substrate temperature of 10°C (in LTS, LTSND and LTSN treatments), regardless of air temperature. The occurrence of cold night and/or its combination with low substrate temperature caused accumulation of starch in leaves. When considering carbohydrate concentrations in stems and roots, it was not possible to establish a clear response pattern to chilling. In conclusion, the low substrate temperature causes a greater reduction of CO2 assimilation in citrus plants as compared to the occurrence of low air temperature, being such response a consequence of diffusive and biochemical limitations.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估夜间(TN )和昼夜(TD )期间的低气温以及底物温度(TS )对'光合作用'光合作用的影响。巴伦西亚的橙树嫁接在朗布尔石灰砧木上。实验是在具有七个月大植物的生长室中进行的。使植物暴露于以下温度条件下:低底物温度(LTS,其中:TD = 28°C,TN = 20°C,TS = 10°C);夜间气温较低(LTN ,其中:TD = 28°C,TN = 10°C,TS = 26°C);夜间温度较低,底物温度也较低(LTSN = 28°C,TN = 10°C,TS = 10°C);在白天和夜间都较低的气温(LTND ,其中:TD = 17°C,TN = 10°C,TS = 26°C);最后是低气温(昼夜)和低底物温度(LTSND ),其中:TD = 17°C,TN = 10°C,TS = 10°C)。作为参考(对照),使植物经受TD = 28℃,TN = 20℃和TS = 26℃。暴露于每种热处理六天后,进行叶片气体交换,光化学活性和碳水化合物浓度的测量。与对照相比,由于扩散和代谢限制,所有热机制均导致光合作用降低。在暴露于夜间和底物低温的植物中,光抑制是短暂的,而在昼夜期间受到冷害的植物中,光抑制是严重而慢性的。然而,无论空气温度如何,在底物温度低至10°C(在LTS ,LTSND 和LTSN 处理中)的植物中,光合作用最低。寒冷的夜晚和/或其与低底物温度的结合会导致淀粉在叶片中积聚。当考虑茎和根中的碳水化合物浓度时,不可能建立明确的冷害响应模式。总之,与低空气温度相比,低底物温度导致柑橘类植物中的CO2同化作用降低更多,这是扩散和生化限制的结果。



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