首页> 外文期刊>Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy >Photobleaching-based method to individualize irradiation time duhng interstttial 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy

Photobleaching-based method to individualize irradiation time duhng interstttial 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy


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Interstitial photodynamic therapy (iPDT) is being investigated for the treatment of high-grade human brain malignancies. In recent clinical studies, fluorescence monitoring during iPDT of glioblastoma multiforme has revealed patient-specific accumulation of photosensitizer (aminolevulinic acid (ALA) induced protoporphyrin IX, PplX) and its photobleaching kinetics. As photosensitizer degradation, also referred to as photobleaching, and tissue damage are caused by the same underlying processes, the photobleaching kinetics might provide a toot for real-time treatment supervision. Here, we show with computer simutations that varying optical properties have a strong influence on the irradiation time required to fully bleach the photosensitizer. We propose a method to potentially determine the time point during iPDT, when the photosensitizer within the target volume has been largely photobleached. Simuiations show that it is possibte to determine this time point by continuously monitoring the ratio of the fluorescence intensities at two time points during irradiation. We show that this method works for a large range of optical properties, different photobleaching rates and varying inter-fibre distances. In conclusion, the relative fluorescence method offers the potential to individualize irradiation times to consume the photosensitizer within the target tissue during iPDT.



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