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Social Media, Love, and Sartre's Look of the Other: Why Online Communication Is Not Fulfilling


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We live in a world which is more connected than ever before. We can now send messages to a friend or colleague with a touch of a button, can learn about other's interests before we even meet them, and now leave a digital trail behind us-whether we intend to or not. One question which, in proportion to its importance, has been asked quite infrequently since the dawn of the Internet era involves exactly how meaningful all of these connections are. To what extent can we love another if we only communicate via social technology? What value does visiting a friend have which e-mailing him or texting him does not? "Social Media, Love, and the Look of the Other" attempts to answer these questions by applying the framework of social communication established by Jean-Paul Sartre to the realm of social media. Sartre writes that in all communications with the other, we face the look of the other-or our own perception of how the other judges us. The direction in which the look points determines, to a large degree, the character of any interaction with others. How does social media affect the nature of this look? Particularly, this inquiry seeks to discover the nature of the object to which this look points-and what implications, in cases where the look is not directed at ourselves, this has on our ability to develop and share concern for others.
机译:我们生活在一个比以往任何时候都更加紧密联系的世界。现在,我们只需按一下按钮就可以向朋友或同事发送消息,甚至在认识他们之前就可以了解其他人的兴趣,现在无论我们是否打算,我们都会留下数字痕迹。自从互联网时代来临以来,就已经很少有人问过一个与它的重要性成比例的问题,确切地说,所有这些联系都具有多么有意义。如果仅通过社交技术进行交流,在多大程度上我们可以相爱?拜访朋友有什么价值,发电子邮件或发短信给他没有? “社交媒体,爱与他人的表情”试图通过将让·保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)建立的社交沟通框架应用于社交媒体领域来回答这些问题。萨特(Sartre)写道,在与对方的所有交流中,我们面对对方的外观-或我们自己对他人如何评判我们的看法。视点指向的方向在很大程度上决定了与他人互动的特征。社交媒体如何影响这种外观的本质?尤其是,此询问旨在发现该外观指向的对象的性质,以及在外观不针对自己的情况下,这对我们发展和分享他人关注的能力具有什么影响。



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