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Melting Glaciers, Source of Persistent Pollutants


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New research shows that melting Antarctic glaciers are releasing once frozen stores of persistent organic chemicals, now banned in many parts of the world. Heidi Geisz, Ph.D., a marine biologist with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, studying the fate and effect of organic contaminants in the Antarctic, has found that DDT concentrations in penguins has remained at the same levels as they were 30 years ago, when DDT was widely used. Arctic animals, such as whales, seals and birds, have had a significant decline in their DDT levels during the past decades, while the more stationary Antarctic penguins have not. The study, "Melting Glaciers: A Probable Source of DDT to the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem," published in Environmental Science and Technology, identifies the melting snow and ice as the continued source of total DDT in this southern ecosystem. The release of DDT also means that other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including PCBs and PBDEs (industrial chemicals that have been linked to health problems in humans) are also being released.
机译:最新研究表明,一旦融化的南极冰川融化后,持久性有机化学物质便被冷冻储存,而现在世界上许多地方都已禁止该储存。弗吉尼亚海洋科学研究所的海洋生物学家海蒂·盖兹(Heidi Geisz)博士研究了南极有机污染物的命运和影响,发现企鹅中的DDT浓度与30年前保持相同水平,当DDT被广泛使用时。在过去的几十年中,诸如鲸,海豹和鸟类之类的北极动物的滴滴涕含量已显着下降,而更稳定的南极企鹅则没有。发表在《环境科学与技术》上的题为“融化冰川:南极海洋生态系统的滴滴涕的可能来源”的研究指出,融化的冰雪是该南部生态系统中总滴滴涕的持续来源。滴滴涕的释放还意味着其他持久性有机污染物(POPs),包括多氯联苯和多溴二苯醚(与人类健康问题有关的工业化学品)也正在被释放。



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