首页> 外文期刊>Pervasive Computing, IEEE >Smart Clothes—The Unfulfilled Pledge?

Smart Clothes—The Unfulfilled Pledge?


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Inspired by Mark Weiser's 1991 prediction about computers for the 21st century, "they weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it," researchers from the MIT Media Lab and Georgia Tech launched the first "e-textiles" in the mid-1990s. Many labels have been created since then—textile motherboard, wearable intelligence, communication textiles, functional and intelligent clothing, e-broidery, sensate liner, and SFIT (Smart Fabrics, Interactive Textile). All of these names suggest a synergy between information and communications technology (ICT) and textiles by using sensing, actuating, communication, and computing facilities to augment the protective and appealing features of textiles. However, despite the efforts and international engagement of the last 10 years, the market penetration of smart textile products remains marginal. Only a few high-volume products assert themselves on the wearable market (for example, chest straps with textile electrodes to measure heart rate during exercise).
机译:受到马克·韦瑟(Mark Weiser)1991年对21世纪计算机的预测的启发,麻省理工学院媒体实验室和佐治亚理工学院的研究人员推出了“电子织物”,它们将它们编织到了日常生活的结构中,直到它们与计算机毫无区别。 1990年代中期。从那时起,已经创建了许多标签-纺织品主板,可穿戴智能设备,通信纺织品,功能和智能服装,电子贿赂,敏锐衬里和SFIT(智能织物,交互式纺织品)。所有这些名称都暗示了信息和通信技术(ICT)与纺织品之间的协同作用,方法是使用传感,促动,通信和计算设施来增强纺织品的保护性和吸引力。但是,尽管最近十年来已经做出了努力并获得了国际参与,但是智能纺织品的市场渗透率仍然很小。只有少数大批量产品在可穿戴市场上占有一席之地(例如,带有纺织电极的胸带可测量运动时的心率)。



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