首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Ideological manipulation in subtitling: a case study of a speech fragment by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (President of the Islamic Republic of Iran)

Ideological manipulation in subtitling: a case study of a speech fragment by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (President of the Islamic Republic of Iran)

机译:字幕中的意识形态操纵:以伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统Mahmoud Ahmadinejad的演讲片段为例

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This study sets out to investigate the translation strategies, especially within the domain of non-equivalent options, applied by the subtitler to the English version of a speech by Iran's current President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The overall aim is to see whether there is any ideological manipulation in the subtitled version and also whether or not the emphasis and implications of the speech remain intact. To this end, we will apply a twofold theoretical framework based on the dichotomous categorization 'euphemism' versus 'derogation' developed by Hodge and Kress on the one hand, and on van Dijk's framework of critical discourse analysis with some supplementary elements on the other. The findings of the study suggest some degree of manipulation concerning some ideologically-loaded terms.
机译:这项研究着手研究翻译策略,特别是在非对等选择范围内的翻译策略,该翻译策略的字幕使用了伊朗现任总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪内贾德的英语版本。总体目的是查看字幕版本中是否有任何意识形态操纵,以及演讲的重点和含义是否保持不变。为此,我们将基于Hodge和Kress分别提出的``委婉''与``克减''的二分分类应用双重理论框架,另一方面基于van Dijk的批评性话语分析框架以及一些补充要素。该研究的发现表明,在某些意识形态方面,对术语有一定程度的操纵。



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